2023-07 |
Presentation |
Summary: Techno-Economic Analysis of Solar Photovoltaics and Battery Energy Storage
at a Vietnam Industrial Park |
Clean Energy Investment Accelerator, BESS, PV |
2023-05 |
Poster |
Onsite Energy Techno-Economic Analysis Using REopt |
industrial decarbonization, combined heat and power, CHP, Technical Assistance Partnerships,
2023-03 |
Fact Sheet |
Lessons Learned From Techno-Economic Analysis of Solar Photovoltaics and Battery Energy
Storage at a Vietnam Industrial Park |
Clean Energy Investment Accelerator, BESS, PV |
2023-02 |
Technical Report |
Impacts of Regional Air Mobility and Electrified Aircraft on Local Grid Infrastructure
and Airport Electricity Demand |
NASA strategic partnership project report |
2022-10 |
Presentation |
Advancing Federal Infrastructure Through Innovation: Techno-Economic Modeling of Resilient
DER Using REopt |
Energy Exchange 2022 |
2022-09 |
Technical Report |
Eaton High Impact Project: Cooperative Research and Development Final Report |
CRADA report |
2022-08 |
Fact Sheet |
National Community Solar Partnership Multifamily Affordable Housing Portfolio Screening
Approach |
National Community Solar Partnership, NCSP, MFAH Collaborative, Policy Screening Workbook,
PVWatts Calculator
2022-07 |
Presentation |
REopt for Resilient Buildings: Leveraging Energy Efficiency and Distributed Energy
Resources for Resilience Solutions |
energy efficiency, distributed generation, storage, critical community facilities,
Manatee County
2022-06 |
Presentation |
SEIN: Breaking Barriers Resilient Energy System Analysis |
Solar Energy Innovation Network, SEIN |
2022-06 |
Presentation |
Optimizing DER Deployment for Climate, Health, Resilience, and Energy Bill Benefits
using the REopt Model |
ASES Solar 2022 |
2022-05 |
Presentation |
Techno-Economic Analysis Using REopt for Community Solar on Multifamily Affordable
Housing Properties |
EERE Solar Energy Technologies Office, National Community Solar Partnership |
2021-12 |
Presentation |
REopt Lite Overview - Resilience Analysis: Clear Sky Tampa Bay |
Solar Energy Innovation Network, SEIN, distributed energy resources, DERs |
2021-07 |
Fact Sheet |
REopt Lite Tutorial – International Locations |
NREL tutorial/quick-start guide |
2021-06 |
Fact Sheet |
Behind-the-Meter to Front of the Line: Prioritizing Battery Storage Opportunities
Across a Portfolio of Sites |
NREL two-page fact sheet, U.S. Army |
2021-02 |
Fact Sheet |
Incorporating Combined Heat and Power Modeling into the REopt Lite Web Tool |
DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office, AMO, CHP |
2020-10 |
Fact Sheet |
Where and When Does Solar-Plus-Storage Make Sense for Commercial Buildings? |
NREL two-page REopt Lite fact sheet, BESS |
2020-03 |
Fact Sheet |
Evaluate Distributed Energy Technologies for Cost Savings and Resilience with REopt
Lite |
NREL two-page REopt Lite overview |
2018-08 |
Fact Sheet |
NREL Tools Help Identify and Evaluate Renewable Energy Projects |
NREL one-page comparison of REopt Lite with other NREL tools |
2018-04 |
Fact Sheet |
REopt Lite Web Tool |
NREL one-page REopt Lite summary |
2017-09 |
Fact Sheet |
NREL Screens Universities for Solar and Battery Storage Potential |
NREL technical assistance, REopt model |
2017-06 |
Fact Sheet |
Solar Plus: A Holistic Approach to Distributed Solar PV |
NREL two-page tech report overview, REopt model |
2017-04 |
Fact Sheet |
REopt Screenings Catalyze Development of Hundreds of Megawatts of Renewable Energy
for Federal Agencies |
FEMP project development assistance, REopt model |
2014-06 |
Fact Sheet |
Renewable Energy Optimization (REopt) |
NREL two-page REopt model overview |
2021-02 |
Brochure |
City Decision Analysis Resources and Tools |
City Decision Analysis at Any Scale Workshop |
2018-01 |
Brochure |
Valuing the Resilience Provided by Solar and Battery Energy Storage Systems |
NREL five-page manuscript summary, REopt model, Clean Energy Group |
2017-08 |
Brochure |
Identifying Potential Markets for Behind-the-Meter Battery Energy Storage: A Survey
of U.S. Demand Charges |
NREL seven-page manuscript summary, Clean Energy Group |
2021-03 |
Technical Report |
Reopt Lite User Manual |
Summary of core web tool components, including PV, wind, combined heat and power (CHP),
and electric and thermal storage
2020-10 |
Technical Report |
Catalina Repower Feasibility Study: NREL Phases I & II Summary Report |
Southern California Edison, SCE, EPA, NV5, techno-economic modeling, supply-side generation,
energy storage
2020-02 |
Technical Report |
Adapting Existing Energy Planning, Simulation, and Operational Models for Resilience
Analysis |
NREL energy research models, value of resilience, metrics, energy systems |
2019-06 |
Technical Report |
Power Sector Resilience Planning Guidebook: A Self-Guided Reference for Practitioners |
NREL, USAID, reference manual for policymakers, power sector investors, planners,
system operators, energy-sector stakeholders
2019-06 |
Technical Report |
Comparative Study of Techno-Economics of Lithium-Ion and Lead-Acid Batteries in Micro-Grids
in Sub-Saharan Africa |
NREL, USAID, cost of batteries in microgrids, battery operational practices |
2019-03 |
Technical Report |
A Comparison of Fuel Choice for Backup Generators |
generator modeling, resilience, natural gas and diesel, grid-connected generators |
2018-10 |
Technical Report |
Grid Ready: Strategies for Interconnecting Large-Scale PV in New York City |
economics of large-scale PV, valuing distributed energy resources, Sustainable CUNY, City University of New York
2018-08 |
Technical Report |
Value Streams from Distribution Grid Support Using Utility-Scale Vanadium Redox Flow
Battery: NREL-Sumitomo Electric Battery Demonstration Project |
REopt model, battery dispatch strategy |
2018-08 |
Technical Report |
Productive Use of Energy in African Micro-Grids: Technical and Business Considerations |
USAID, Power Africa, Energy 4 Impact |
2018-05 |
Technical Report |
Energy-Water Microgrid Opportunity Analysis at the University of Arizona's Biosphere
2 Facility |
energy water nexus |
2018-02 |
Technical Report |
Tariff Considerations for Micro-Grids in Sub-Saharan Africa |
USAID, Power Africa, electricity tariffs, REopt model |
2017-11 |
Technical Report |
Large-Scale Power Production Potential on U.S. Department of Energy Lands |
REopt model, utility-scale energy analysis |
2017-09 |
Technical Report |
REopt: A Platform for Energy System Integration and Optimization |
techno-economic decision support model |
2017-06 |
Technical Report |
Solar Plus: A Holistic Approach to Distributed Solar PV |
soft costs, energy storage |
2017-04 |
Technical Report |
The Economic Potential of Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems Producing Hydrogen |
hybrid energy systems |
2016-12 |
Technical Report |
The Economic Potential of Three Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems Providing
Thermal Energy to Industry |
nuclear-renewable hybrid energy systems |
2016-08 |
Technical Report |
The Economic Potential of Two Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems |
nuclear-renewable hybrid energy systems |
2016-06 |
Technical Report |
New York Solar Smart DG Hub-Resilient Solar Project: Economic and Resiliency Impact
of PV and Storage on New York Critical Infrastructure |
solar plus storage, PV, batteries |
2014-11 |
Technical Report |
Consolidated Utility Base Energy (CUBE) Model Report |
hybrid energy systems |
2021-02 |
Conference Paper |
Probabilistic Resilience of DER Systems - A Simulation Assisted Optimization Approach |
2021 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT |
2020-11 |
Conference Paper |
Assessing Cost-Optimal Battery Energy and Solar-Plus-Storage Systems for Federal Customers:
A Nationwide Assessment: Preprint |
2020 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, battery energy storage
systems, BESS
2020-10 |
Conference Paper |
Application of Site Controllers for Electrification of Commercial Fleet Vehicles |
2020 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D) |
2020-10 |
Conference Paper |
Metrics and Analytical Frameworks for Valuing Energy Efficiency and Distributed Energy
Resources in the Built Environment: Preprint |
2020 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, grid-interactive efficient
homes, GEB-solar homes, modeling methodology
2020-03 |
Conference Paper |
Cost Reduction of School Bus Fleet Electrification with Optimized Charging and Distributed
Energy Resources: Preprint |
2019 North American Power Symposium, electric vehicles, smart charging, vehicle-to-grid |
2019-09 |
Conference Paper |
Geothermal-Enabled Zero Energy Electric Community—An Integrated System Design Study:
Preprint |
Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) Annual Meeting & Expo |
2019-08 |
Conference Paper |
REopt: Enabling Renewable Energy, Storage, and Combined Heat and Power |
ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry |
2018-08 |
Conference Paper |
Valuing Energy Efficiency and Distributed Energy Resources in the Built Environment:
Preprint |
ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings |
2016-11 |
Conference Paper |
Portfolio Analysis of Renewable Energy Opportunities: Preprint |
SCTE ISBE Cable-Tec Expo |
2016-11 |
Conference Paper |
Optimal Sizing of a Solar-Plus-Storage System For Utility Bill Savings and Resiliency Benefits:
Preprint |
Seventh Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT2016
2016-11 |
Conference Paper |
A Statistical Analysis of the Economic Drivers of Battery Energy Storage in Commercial Buildings:
Preprint |
North American Power Symposium, NAPS |
2015-08 |
Conference Paper |
Cost-Optimal Pathways to 75% Fuel Reduction in Remote Alaskan Villages |
IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability, SusTech |
2014-08 |
Conference Paper |
REopt: A Platform for Energy System Integration and Optimization: Preprint |
International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, ES2014 |
2022-06 |
Journal Article |
Looking Beyond Bill Savings to Equity in Renewable Energy Microgrid Deployment |
Renewable Energy Focus |
2022-02 |
Journal Article |
Off-design modeling of a microturbine combined heat & power system |
Applied Thermal Engineering |
2022-01 |
Journal Article |
Optimizing Design and Dispatch of a Renewable Energy System with Combined Heat and
Power |
Optimization and Engineering |
2021-09 |
Journal Article |
Optimizing Solar-Plus-Storage Deployment on Public Buildings for Climate, Health,
Resilience, and Energy Bill Benefits |
Environmental Science & Technology |
2021-08 |
Journal Article |
Resilience and Economics of Microgrids with PV, Battery Storage, and Networked Diesel
Generators |
Advances in Applied Energy |
2021-06 |
Journal Article |
Optimality versus Reality: Closing the Gap Between Renewable Energy Decision Models
and Government Deployment in the United States |
Energy Research & Social Science |
2021-05 |
Journal Article |
Computational Framework for Behind-the-Meter DER Techno-Economic Modeling and Optimization:
REopt Lite |
Energy Systems |
2021-04 |
Journal Article |
Optimizing Design and Dispatch of a Renewable Energy System |
Applied Energy |
2021-03 |
Journal Article |
Integrating the Value of Electricity Resilience in Energy Planning and Operations
Decisions |
IEEE Systems Journal |
2021-01 |
Journal Article |
Technoeconomic Design of a Geothermal-Enabled Cold Climate Zero Energy Community |
Journal of Energy Resources Technology |
2020-12 |
Journal Article |
Assessing Uncertainty in the Timing of Energy Use During Cost-Optimal Distributed
Energy Technology Selection and Sizing |
Renewable Energy Focus |
2020-06 |
Journal Article |
Cost-Optimal Evaluation of Centralized and Distributed Microgrid Topologies Considering
Voltage Constraints |
Energy for Sustainable Development |
2019-05 |
Journal Article |
Technology Solutions to Mitigate Electricity Cost for Electric Vehicle DC Fast Charging |
Applied Energy |
2019-04 |
Journal Article |
Coordinated Optimization of Multiservice Dispatch for Energy Storage Systems with
Degradation Model for Utility Applications |
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy |
2019-01 |
Journal Article |
Solar-Plus-Storage Economics: What Works Where, and Why? |
The Electricity Journal |
2018-11 |
Journal Article |
Impacts of Valuing Resilience on Cost-Optimal PV and Storage Systems for Commercial
Buildings |
Renewable Energy |
2018-10 |
Journal Article |
Solar Plus: A Review of the End-User Economics of Solar PV Integration with Storage
and Load Control in Residential Buildings |
Applied Energy |
2018-07 |
Journal Article |
Coordinated Optimization of Multiservice Dispatch for Energy Storage Systems with
Degradation Model for Utility Applications |
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy |
2018-04 |
Journal Article |
Quantifying and Monetizing Renewable Energy Resiliency |
Sustainability |
2018-03 |
Journal Article |
Solar Plus: Optimization of Distributed Solar PV Through Battery Storage and Dispatchable
Load in Residential Buildings |
Applied Energy |
2017-08 |
Journal Article |
Increasing Resiliency Through Renewable Energy Microgrids |
Journal of Energy Management |
2019-09 |
Poster |
Geothermal-Enabled Zero Energy Community: A Techno-Economic Design Study to Address
Cold-Climate Challenges |
Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) Annual Meeting & Expo |
2019-03 |
Poster |
A Comparison of Fuel Choice for Backup Generators |
Generator modeling, resilience, natural gas and diesel, grid-connected generators |
2018-09 |
Poster |
Electricity Cost for Electric Vehicle Fast Charging |
Electric Vehicles Symposium (EVS31) |
2017-07 |
Poster |
REopt Improves the Operations of Alcatraz’s Solar PV-Battery-Diesel Hybrid System |
solar plus storage, PV, batteries, diesel hybrid, REopt model |
2016-09 |
Poster |
Catalyzing RE Project Development |
battery storage, REopt model |
2016-08 |
Poster |
Optimizing Solar + Storage for Cost Savings and Resiliency |
solar plus storage, PV, batteries, resilience, REopt model |
2016-07 |
Poster |
Energy System Modeling with REopt |
battery storage, REopt model |
2016-07 |
Poster |
Optimizing Energy Storage Economics |
battery storage, REopt model |
2022-04 |
Presentation |
REopt: Energy Decision Analysis |
REopt overview presentation, press kit |
2021-08 |
Presentation |
Evaluating Distributed Generation Cost and Resilience with REopt Lite |
Energy Exchange 2021 |
2021-08 |
Presentation |
Evaluating Emissions Reductions from DERs in REopt Lite |
Energy Exchange 2021 |
2020-12 |
Presentation |
DCFC + Hydrogen Station Design Optimization |
DCFC, hydrogen station design optimization |
2020-08 |
Presentation |
Opportunities for Clean Energy in Natural Gas Well Operations |
14th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference |
2020-04 |
Presentation |
DER Planning with Resilience Analysis Using REopt Lite: A Behind-the-Meter Techno-Economic
Analysis Tool |
Energy Systems Integration Group, ESIG, webinar |
2020-03 |
Presentation |
REopt Lite Web Tool: Capabilities and Features |
REopt Lite overview presentation, press kit |
2020-03 |
Presentation |
NREL’s REopt Lite Tool – Open Source |
NREL Introduction to REopt Lite Open Source webinar slides, OSS |
2020-02 |
Presentation |
REopt Lite Overview and Training Exercise |
NREL Advanced Energy Systems Program webinar slides |
2019-11 |
Presentation |
Economics of Solar PV and Stationary Storage for Electric Bus Charging in Missoula,
Montana |
Solar Energy Innovation Network, SEIN, Montana Solar Powered Community Transportation
2019-11 |
Presentation |
Economics of Solar with Storage for Municipal Sites in the City of San Diego |
Solar Energy Innovation Network, SEIN, City of San Diego, Clean Coalition |
2019-11 |
Presentation |
Economics of Solar with Storage for Municipal Buildings in the City of Orlando |
Solar Energy Innovation Network, SEIN, Orlando: Renewable and Resilient SEIN team,
City of Orlando, Orlando Utility Commission, University of Central Florida’s Solar
Energy Center, GreenlinkGroup
2019-11 |
Presentation |
Evaluating Utility Costs Savings for EV Charging Infrastructure |
Solar Energy Innovation Network, SEIN, light duty electric vehicle charging stations,
2019-08 |
Presentation |
Incorporating On-Site Generation Design Using a Comprehensive Energy Strategy: Techno-Economic
Energy Modeling of Distributed Energy Technologies |
2019 Energy Exchange |
2019-08 |
Presentation |
Energy Exchange Pre-Conference Workshop: Distributed Energy Technologies for Resilience
and Cost Savings |
2019 Energy Exchange |
2018-09 |
Presentation |
Solar System Modeling at NREL |
Solar Power International 2018 |
2018-08 |
Presentation |
Behind-the-Meter Solar + Storage Modeling Tool Comparison |
ASES Solar 2018 |
2018-08 |
Presentation |
Energy Storage Versus Back-up Generation: Energy Storage Overview |
2018 Energy Exchange|Better Buildings Summit, FEMP |
2018-06 |
Presentation |
When Solar + Storage Makes Sense |
NAESCO Technology & Financing Workshop |
2018-02 |
Presentation |
Identifying Critical Factors in the Cost-Effectiveness of Solar and Battery Storage
in Commercial Buildings |
REopt model, distributed solar, market opportunities, behind the meter |
2018-02 |
Presentation |
Module 2: Screening and Identifying PV Projects |
City and County Solar PV Training Program |
2017-11 |
Presentation |
REopt Lite Beta Version: Introduction to FEMP and NREL's New Web Tool |
DOE, Federal Energy Management Program, FEMP, REopt Lite |
2017-08 |
Presentation |
Energy Storage Economics |
2017 Energy Exchange, FEMP, REopt model |
2017-10 |
Presentation |
Campus Energy Approach, REopt Overview, and Solar for Universities |
I2SL Annual Conference, REopt model |
2017-12 |
Presentation |
Kokhanok Renewable Energy Retrofit Analysis |
Alaska, microgrid conceptual designs, REopt model |
2017-05 |
Presentation |
Solar Plus: A Holistic Approach to Distributed Solar PV |
REopt model, distributed solar, energy storage, controllable household devices, customer
2019-07 |
Video |
NREL's REopt Helps Fort Carson Save Big |
REopt model, energy storage, load shaving |
2019-06 |
Video |
Unlock Expert Energy Analysis with REopt Lite |
REopt Lite features and highlights |
2018-02 |
Video |
REopt Lite Web Tool Demo: Using the REopt support model and web tool |
REopt Lite demonstration, user guide |
2018-09 |
Website |
OpenEI: Solar+Storage: Reducing Barriers through Cost-Optimization and Market Characterization |
Wiki, technology price data, utility rate data, cost savings data |
2018-03 |
Website |
REopt Lite API (Version 1) |
REopt Lite application programming interface |
2018-06 |
Press Release |
New Solar+Storage Tool Capabilities Help Users Assess Facility Resilience and Energy
Cost Savings |
Clean Energy Group, REopt Lite |
2018-11 |
Reprint |
REopt Lite Adds New Energy Optimization Capabilities with Wind, Custom Rate Tariff,
Critical Load Builder, and User Dashboard Features |
Electric Energy Online |
2018-06 |
Reprint |
NREL Releases Online Solar Plus Storage Optimization Tool, REopt Lite |
Energy Storage Networks |
2018-06 |
Reprint |
NREL Releases Online Solar Plus Storage Optimization Tool, REopt Lite |
Solar Power World |