REopt Publications

A variety of publications highlight capabilities, features, and uses of the REopt® platform and REopt web tool.

REopt Overview Publications

Presentation slide

REopt: Energy Decision Analysis

Presentation describes REopt energy planning and resilience capabilities and project successes.

Download the presentation slides.

Solar panels

REopt: A Platform for Energy System Integration and Optimization

Report provides an overview of the REopt model, including capabilities and typical applications, inputs and outputs, economic calculations, technology description, and model parameters, variables, and equations.

A graph from the fact sheet

Renewable Energy Optimization (REopt)

Fact sheet highlights REopt analysis capabilities.

REopt Web Tool Publications

Presentation slide

REopt Web Tool: Capabilities and Features

Presentation highlights capabilities and features of the REopt web tool.

A graph from the fact sheet

Evaluate Distributed Energy Technologies for Cost Savings and Resilience with REopt Lite

Fact sheet discusses how REopt Lite evaluates the economics of grid connected photovoltaics, wind, and battery storage at a site to identify system sizes and battery dispatch strategies that minimize a site's life cycle cost of energy, and increase resilience in the case of a grid outage.

Utility scale lithium ion Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) installation at Ft. Carson

NREL Tools Help Identify and Evaluate Renewable Energy Projects

Flyer highlights REopt Lite as one of several no-cost, publicly available tools that can be used throughout the development of behind-the-meter renewable energy projects to help gauge initial project potential, optimize system sizing, and refine project economics.

Featured Analysis Publications

Thumbnail graphic from the article

Technology Solutions to Mitigate Electricity Cost for Electric Vehicle DC Fast Charging

Article explores technological solutions that can help reduce the electricity cost for electric vehicle fast charging.

Thumbnail graphic from the paper

Solar Plus: A Review of the End-User Economics of Solar PV Integration with Storage and Load Control in Residential Buildings

Review paper summarizes the end-user economics of battery and load control technologies that increase the value of PV by controlling and temporally shifting PV output, an approach referred to as "solar plus."

Thumbnail graphic from the study

Impacts of Valuing Resilience on Cost-Optimal PV and Storage Systems for Commercial Buildings

Study presents a novel method for incorporating the value of resilience provided by a PV and battery energy storage system into a techno-economic optimization model.

All REopt Publications

Date Type Title Description/Keywords
2023-07 Presentation Summary: Techno-Economic Analysis of Solar Photovoltaics and Battery Energy Storage at a Vietnam Industrial Park Clean Energy Investment Accelerator, BESS, PV
2023-05 Poster Onsite Energy Techno-Economic Analysis Using REopt industrial decarbonization, combined heat and power, CHP, Technical Assistance Partnerships, TAPs, AMMTO, IEDO
2023-03 Fact Sheet Lessons Learned From Techno-Economic Analysis of Solar Photovoltaics and Battery Energy Storage at a Vietnam Industrial Park Clean Energy Investment Accelerator, BESS, PV
2023-02 Technical Report Impacts of Regional Air Mobility and Electrified Aircraft on Local Grid Infrastructure and Airport Electricity Demand NASA strategic partnership project report
2022-10 Presentation Advancing Federal Infrastructure Through Innovation: Techno-Economic Modeling of Resilient DER Using REopt Energy Exchange 2022
2022-09 Technical Report Eaton High Impact Project: Cooperative Research and Development Final Report CRADA report
2022-08 Fact Sheet National Community Solar Partnership Multifamily Affordable Housing Portfolio Screening Approach National Community Solar Partnership, NCSP, MFAH Collaborative, Policy Screening Workbook, PVWatts Calculator
2022-07 Presentation REopt for Resilient Buildings: Leveraging Energy Efficiency and Distributed Energy Resources for Resilience Solutions energy efficiency, distributed generation, storage, critical community facilities, Manatee County
2022-06 Presentation SEIN: Breaking Barriers Resilient Energy System Analysis Solar Energy Innovation Network, SEIN
2022-06 Presentation Optimizing DER Deployment for Climate, Health, Resilience, and Energy Bill Benefits using the REopt Model ASES Solar 2022
2022-05 Presentation Techno-Economic Analysis Using REopt for Community Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing Properties EERE Solar Energy Technologies Office, National Community Solar Partnership
2021-12 Presentation REopt Lite Overview - Resilience Analysis: Clear Sky Tampa Bay Solar Energy Innovation Network, SEIN, distributed energy resources, DERs
2021-07 Fact Sheet REopt Lite Tutorial – International Locations NREL tutorial/quick-start guide
2021-06 Fact Sheet Behind-the-Meter to Front of the Line: Prioritizing Battery Storage Opportunities Across a Portfolio of Sites NREL two-page fact sheet, U.S. Army
2021-02 Fact Sheet Incorporating Combined Heat and Power Modeling into the REopt Lite Web Tool DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office, AMO, CHP
2020-10 Fact Sheet Where and When Does Solar-Plus-Storage Make Sense for Commercial Buildings? NREL two-page REopt Lite fact sheet, BESS
2020-03 Fact Sheet Evaluate Distributed Energy Technologies for Cost Savings and Resilience with REopt Lite NREL two-page REopt Lite overview
2018-08 Fact Sheet NREL Tools Help Identify and Evaluate Renewable Energy Projects NREL one-page comparison of REopt Lite with other NREL tools
2018-04 Fact Sheet REopt Lite Web Tool NREL one-page REopt Lite summary
2017-09 Fact Sheet NREL Screens Universities for Solar and Battery Storage Potential NREL technical assistance, REopt model
2017-06 Fact Sheet Solar Plus: A Holistic Approach to Distributed Solar PV NREL two-page tech report overview, REopt model
2017-04 Fact Sheet REopt Screenings Catalyze Development of Hundreds of Megawatts of Renewable Energy for Federal Agencies FEMP project development assistance, REopt model
2014-06 Fact Sheet Renewable Energy Optimization (REopt) NREL two-page REopt model overview
2021-02 Brochure City Decision Analysis Resources and Tools City Decision Analysis at Any Scale Workshop
2018-01 Brochure Valuing the Resilience Provided by Solar and Battery Energy Storage Systems NREL five-page manuscript summary, REopt model, Clean Energy Group
2017-08 Brochure Identifying Potential Markets for Behind-the-Meter Battery Energy Storage: A Survey of U.S. Demand Charges NREL seven-page manuscript summary, Clean Energy Group
2021-03 Technical Report Reopt Lite User Manual Summary of core web tool components, including PV, wind, combined heat and power (CHP), and electric and thermal storage
2020-10 Technical Report Catalina Repower Feasibility Study: NREL Phases I & II Summary Report Southern California Edison, SCE, EPA, NV5, techno-economic modeling, supply-side generation, energy storage
2020-02 Technical Report Adapting Existing Energy Planning, Simulation, and Operational Models for Resilience Analysis NREL energy research models, value of resilience, metrics, energy systems
2019-06 Technical Report Power Sector Resilience Planning Guidebook: A Self-Guided Reference for Practitioners NREL, USAID, reference manual for policymakers, power sector investors, planners, system operators, energy-sector stakeholders
2019-06 Technical Report Comparative Study of Techno-Economics of Lithium-Ion and Lead-Acid Batteries in Micro-Grids in Sub-Saharan Africa NREL, USAID, cost of batteries in microgrids, battery operational practices
2019-03 Technical Report A Comparison of Fuel Choice for Backup Generators generator modeling, resilience, natural gas and diesel, grid-connected generators
2018-10 Technical Report Grid Ready: Strategies for Interconnecting Large-Scale PV in New York City economics of large-scale PV, valuing distributed
energy resources, Sustainable CUNY, City University of New York
2018-08 Technical Report Value Streams from Distribution Grid Support Using Utility-Scale Vanadium Redox Flow Battery: NREL-Sumitomo Electric Battery Demonstration Project REopt model, battery dispatch strategy
2018-08 Technical Report Productive Use of Energy in African Micro-Grids: Technical and Business Considerations USAID, Power Africa, Energy 4 Impact
2018-05 Technical Report Energy-Water Microgrid Opportunity Analysis at the University of Arizona's Biosphere 2 Facility energy water nexus
2018-02 Technical Report Tariff Considerations for Micro-Grids in Sub-Saharan Africa USAID, Power Africa, electricity tariffs, REopt model
2017-11 Technical Report Large-Scale Power Production Potential on U.S. Department of Energy Lands REopt model, utility-scale energy analysis
2017-09 Technical Report REopt: A Platform for Energy System Integration and Optimization techno-economic decision support model
2017-06 Technical Report Solar Plus: A Holistic Approach to Distributed Solar PV soft costs, energy storage
2017-04 Technical Report The Economic Potential of Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems Producing Hydrogen hybrid energy systems
2016-12 Technical Report The Economic Potential of Three Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems Providing Thermal Energy to Industry nuclear-renewable hybrid energy systems
2016-08 Technical Report The Economic Potential of Two Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems nuclear-renewable hybrid energy systems
2016-06 Technical Report New York Solar Smart DG Hub-Resilient Solar Project: Economic and Resiliency Impact of PV and Storage on New York Critical Infrastructure solar plus storage, PV, batteries
2014-11 Technical Report Consolidated Utility Base Energy (CUBE) Model Report hybrid energy systems
2021-02 Conference Paper Probabilistic Resilience of DER Systems - A Simulation Assisted Optimization Approach 2021 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT
2020-11 Conference Paper Assessing Cost-Optimal Battery Energy and Solar-Plus-Storage Systems for Federal Customers: A Nationwide Assessment: Preprint 2020 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, battery energy storage systems, BESS
2020-10 Conference Paper Application of Site Controllers for Electrification of Commercial Fleet Vehicles 2020 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D)
2020-10 Conference Paper Metrics and Analytical Frameworks for Valuing Energy Efficiency and Distributed Energy Resources in the Built Environment: Preprint 2020 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, grid-interactive efficient homes, GEB-solar homes, modeling methodology
2020-03 Conference Paper Cost Reduction of School Bus Fleet Electrification with Optimized Charging and Distributed Energy Resources: Preprint 2019 North American Power Symposium, electric vehicles, smart charging, vehicle-to-grid
2019-09 Conference Paper Geothermal-Enabled Zero Energy Electric Community—An Integrated System Design Study: Preprint Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) Annual Meeting & Expo
2019-08 Conference Paper REopt: Enabling Renewable Energy, Storage, and Combined Heat and Power ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry
2018-08 Conference Paper Valuing Energy Efficiency and Distributed Energy Resources in the Built Environment: Preprint ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
2016-11 Conference Paper Portfolio Analysis of Renewable Energy Opportunities: Preprint SCTE ISBE Cable-Tec Expo
2016-11 Conference Paper Optimal Sizing of a Solar-Plus-Storage System For Utility Bill Savings and Resiliency Benefits: Preprint Seventh Conference on Innovative Smart Grid
Technologies, ISGT2016
2016-11 Conference Paper A Statistical Analysis of the Economic Drivers of Battery Energy Storage in Commercial Buildings: Preprint North American Power Symposium, NAPS
2015-08 Conference Paper Cost-Optimal Pathways to 75% Fuel Reduction in Remote Alaskan Villages IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability, SusTech
2014-08 Conference Paper REopt: A Platform for Energy System Integration and Optimization: Preprint International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, ES2014
2022-06 Journal Article Looking Beyond Bill Savings to Equity in Renewable Energy Microgrid Deployment Renewable Energy Focus
2022-02 Journal Article Off-design modeling of a microturbine combined heat & power system Applied Thermal Engineering
2022-01 Journal Article Optimizing Design and Dispatch of a Renewable Energy System with Combined Heat and Power Optimization and Engineering
2021-09 Journal Article Optimizing Solar-Plus-Storage Deployment on Public Buildings for Climate, Health, Resilience, and Energy Bill Benefits Environmental Science & Technology
2021-08 Journal Article Resilience and Economics of Microgrids with PV, Battery Storage, and Networked Diesel Generators Advances in Applied Energy
2021-06 Journal Article Optimality versus Reality: Closing the Gap Between Renewable Energy Decision Models and Government Deployment in the United States Energy Research & Social Science
2021-05 Journal Article Computational Framework for Behind-the-Meter DER Techno-Economic Modeling and Optimization: REopt Lite Energy Systems
2021-04 Journal Article Optimizing Design and Dispatch of a Renewable Energy System Applied Energy
2021-03 Journal Article Integrating the Value of Electricity Resilience in Energy Planning and Operations Decisions IEEE Systems Journal
2021-01 Journal Article Technoeconomic Design of a Geothermal-Enabled Cold Climate Zero Energy Community Journal of Energy Resources Technology
2020-12 Journal Article Assessing Uncertainty in the Timing of Energy Use During Cost-Optimal Distributed Energy Technology Selection and Sizing Renewable Energy Focus
2020-06 Journal Article Cost-Optimal Evaluation of Centralized and Distributed Microgrid Topologies Considering Voltage Constraints Energy for Sustainable Development
2019-05 Journal Article Technology Solutions to Mitigate Electricity Cost for Electric Vehicle DC Fast Charging Applied Energy
2019-04 Journal Article Coordinated Optimization of Multiservice Dispatch for Energy Storage Systems with Degradation Model for Utility Applications IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
2019-01 Journal Article Solar-Plus-Storage Economics: What Works Where, and Why? The Electricity Journal
2018-11 Journal Article Impacts of Valuing Resilience on Cost-Optimal PV and Storage Systems for Commercial Buildings Renewable Energy
2018-10 Journal Article Solar Plus: A Review of the End-User Economics of Solar PV Integration with Storage and Load Control in Residential Buildings Applied Energy
2018-07 Journal Article Coordinated Optimization of Multiservice Dispatch for Energy Storage Systems with Degradation Model for Utility Applications IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
2018-04 Journal Article Quantifying and Monetizing Renewable Energy Resiliency Sustainability
2018-03 Journal Article Solar Plus: Optimization of Distributed Solar PV Through Battery Storage and Dispatchable Load in Residential Buildings Applied Energy
2017-08 Journal Article Increasing Resiliency Through Renewable Energy Microgrids Journal of Energy Management
2019-09 Poster Geothermal-Enabled Zero Energy Community: A Techno-Economic Design Study to Address Cold-Climate Challenges Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) Annual Meeting & Expo
2019-03 Poster A Comparison of Fuel Choice for Backup Generators Generator modeling, resilience, natural gas and diesel, grid-connected generators
2018-09 Poster Electricity Cost for Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Electric Vehicles Symposium (EVS31)
2017-07 Poster REopt Improves the Operations of Alcatraz’s Solar PV-Battery-Diesel Hybrid System solar plus storage, PV, batteries, diesel hybrid, REopt model
2016-09 Poster Catalyzing RE Project Development battery storage, REopt model
2016-08 Poster Optimizing Solar + Storage for Cost Savings and Resiliency solar plus storage, PV, batteries, resilience, REopt model
2016-07 Poster Energy System Modeling with REopt battery storage, REopt model
2016-07 Poster Optimizing Energy Storage Economics battery storage, REopt model
2022-04 Presentation REopt: Energy Decision Analysis REopt overview presentation, press kit
2021-08 Presentation Evaluating Distributed Generation Cost and Resilience with REopt Lite Energy Exchange 2021
2021-08 Presentation Evaluating Emissions Reductions from DERs in REopt Lite Energy Exchange 2021
2020-12 Presentation DCFC + Hydrogen Station Design Optimization DCFC, hydrogen station design optimization
2020-08 Presentation Opportunities for Clean Energy in Natural Gas Well Operations 14th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference
2020-04 Presentation DER Planning with Resilience Analysis Using REopt Lite: A Behind-the-Meter Techno-Economic Analysis Tool Energy Systems Integration Group, ESIG, webinar
2020-03 Presentation REopt Lite Web Tool: Capabilities and Features REopt Lite overview presentation, press kit
2020-03 Presentation NREL’s REopt Lite Tool – Open Source NREL Introduction to REopt Lite Open Source webinar slides, OSS
2020-02 Presentation REopt Lite Overview and Training Exercise NREL Advanced Energy Systems Program webinar slides
2019-11 Presentation Economics of Solar PV and Stationary Storage for Electric Bus Charging in Missoula, Montana Solar Energy Innovation Network, SEIN, Montana Solar Powered Community Transportation Initiative
2019-11 Presentation Economics of Solar with Storage for Municipal Sites in the City of San Diego Solar Energy Innovation Network, SEIN, City of San Diego, Clean Coalition
2019-11 Presentation Economics of Solar with Storage for Municipal Buildings in the City of Orlando Solar Energy Innovation Network, SEIN, Orlando: Renewable and Resilient SEIN team, City of Orlando, Orlando Utility Commission, University of Central Florida’s Solar Energy Center, GreenlinkGroup
2019-11 Presentation Evaluating Utility Costs Savings for EV Charging Infrastructure Solar Energy Innovation Network, SEIN, light duty electric vehicle charging stations, Minnesota
2019-08 Presentation Incorporating On-Site Generation Design Using a Comprehensive Energy Strategy: Techno-Economic Energy Modeling of Distributed Energy Technologies 2019 Energy Exchange
2019-08 Presentation Energy Exchange Pre-Conference Workshop: Distributed Energy Technologies for Resilience and Cost Savings 2019 Energy Exchange
2018-09 Presentation Solar System Modeling at NREL Solar Power International 2018
2018-08 Presentation Behind-the-Meter Solar + Storage Modeling Tool Comparison ASES Solar 2018
2018-08 Presentation Energy Storage Versus Back-up Generation: Energy Storage Overview 2018 Energy Exchange|Better Buildings Summit, FEMP
2018-06 Presentation When Solar + Storage Makes Sense NAESCO Technology & Financing Workshop
2018-02 Presentation Identifying Critical Factors in the Cost-Effectiveness of Solar and Battery Storage in Commercial Buildings REopt model, distributed solar, market opportunities, behind the meter
2018-02 Presentation Module 2: Screening and Identifying PV Projects City and County Solar PV Training Program
2017-11 Presentation REopt Lite Beta Version: Introduction to FEMP and NREL's New Web Tool DOE, Federal Energy Management Program, FEMP, REopt Lite
2017-08 Presentation Energy Storage Economics 2017 Energy Exchange, FEMP, REopt model
2017-10 Presentation Campus Energy Approach, REopt Overview, and Solar for Universities I2SL Annual Conference, REopt model
2017-12 Presentation Kokhanok Renewable Energy Retrofit Analysis Alaska, microgrid conceptual designs, REopt model
2017-05 Presentation Solar Plus: A Holistic Approach to Distributed Solar PV REopt model, distributed solar, energy storage, controllable household devices, customer economics
2019-07 Video NREL's REopt Helps Fort Carson Save Big REopt model, energy storage, load shaving
2019-06 Video Unlock Expert Energy Analysis with REopt Lite REopt Lite features and highlights
2018-02 Video REopt Lite Web Tool Demo: Using the REopt support model and web tool REopt Lite demonstration, user guide
2018-09 Website OpenEI: Solar+Storage: Reducing Barriers through Cost-Optimization and Market Characterization Wiki, technology price data, utility rate data, cost savings data
2018-03 Website REopt Lite API (Version 1) REopt Lite application programming interface
2018-06 Press Release New Solar+Storage Tool Capabilities Help Users Assess Facility Resilience and Energy Cost Savings Clean Energy Group, REopt Lite
2018-11 Reprint REopt Lite Adds New Energy Optimization Capabilities with Wind, Custom Rate Tariff, Critical Load Builder, and User Dashboard Features Electric Energy Online
2018-06 Reprint NREL Releases Online Solar Plus Storage Optimization Tool, REopt Lite Energy Storage Networks
2018-06 Reprint NREL Releases Online Solar Plus Storage Optimization Tool, REopt Lite Solar Power World