Carbon-Negative Hydrogen Workshop Presentations
Find presentations and other information from the Carbon-Negative Hydrogen (H2) Workshop held June 22–23, 2023.
This workshop was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), and National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL).
Day 1: June 22
Plenary Talks
Welcome—Carbon-Negative H2 Workshop, Bob Baldwin and Josh Schaidle, NREL; Sarah Baker, LLNL; Jonathan Lekse, NETL
Overview of the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) Hydrogen Program R&D, Jai-woh Kim, DOE FECM
Pathways for Negative-Emissions H2: Opportunities and R&D Needs, Gary Grim, Bob Baldwin, Huyen Dinh, and Josh Schaidle, NREL
Systems Analysis on Biomass Gasification to Carbon-Negative Hydrogen, Nathan Weiland, NETL
Insights From DOE Roads to Removal Analysis: Impacts of Carbon-Negative H2 From Biomass With Carbon Removal and Storage, Sarah Baker, LLNL
Integrating Energy Justice in Early-Stage Research, Kate Anderson, NREL
Lightning Talks
Green H2 Production From Waste Biomass: Promises, Challenges, and Innovations, Katherine Chou, NREL
1) Novel Routes to Bio-Hydrogen and 2) GTI’s Open Hydrogen Initiative Program, Zach El Zahab and Rosa Dominguez-Faus, GTI Energy
Monolith Background and H2 Greenhouse Gas Impact, Anthony Spizuoco, Monolith
Synergistic Microbial and Electrochemical Pathways for Carbon-Negative H2 Production and Utilization, Z. Jason Ren, Princeton University
Negative-Emissions H2: A Planetary Perspective, Greg H. Rau, Planetary Technologies
Carbon Negative H2, Ted Sargent, Northwestern University
Decarbonizing Global Industry and Transport, Robert T. Do, SG H2 Energy
Unlocking Hydrogen and Carbon Removal From Earth’s Abundant Wood Waste, Josh Stolaroff, Mote
Virent’s Bio-Hydrogen Process, Colin Anson, Virent
About the Workshop
The Carbon-Negative Hydrogen Workshop, hosted by NREL in Golden, Colorado, focused on developing a shared understanding of the importance of and opportunities for generation and use of carbon-negative H2 in industrial decarbonization. Attendees helped define research needs, spot barriers to commercialization, and identify technical challenges, opportunities, and knowledge gaps for this emerging technology area.
Workshop discussion themes included energy justice in early-stage research, R&D pathways for negative-emissions H2, biomass gasification to carbon-negative H2, and policy and carbon accounting considerations.