Bioenergy R&D Powers a Sustainable Bioeconomy
NREL's bioenergy researchers strive to expedite decarbonization of commercial-scale fuels, chemicals, and materials.

Explore how to partner with us.
Our R&D is organized into core capabilities to maximize research efficiency and accelerate delivery of sustainable technologies to market.
Innovative pathways to fuels and chemicals, materials, and carbon management and utilization are enabled by research expertise in:
- Analysis and modeling
- Fundamental science of energy conversion
- Scale-up science and engineering.

Fuels and Chemicals, Materials, and Carbon Management and Utilization Research
NREL research develops industrially relevant, cost-competitive, and performance-advantaged
fuels, chemicals, and materials from renewable and waste carbon sources. We innovate
strategies and technologies for carbon management and utilization to support the bio-based
economy of the future.
Discover how these NREL R&D capabilities enable new pathways and processes for bio-based
products and technologies:

Analysis, Characterization, Modeling, and Simulation Research
We support low-carbon technologies with near- to long-term market opportunities by
developing and leveraging:
- Techno-economic, sustainability, and market analyses
- Analytical characterization tools and techniques
- Computational modeling/simulation and machine learning/artificial intelligence approaches.

Science of Biological Energy Conversion Research
NREL creates scientific understanding that enables control over chemical, biochemical,
and biophysical pathways and processes in living organisms, cell-free, biohybrid,
and catalytic systems.
Knowledge of matter and energy flows—from molecular to multicellular and organismal
scales—is fundamental to technological innovation and disruption in the bioeconomy.
Leverage NREL's fundamental science R&D capabilities to elucidate electronic and atomic pathways in biotechnology-relevant pathways.

Scale-Up and Piloting Research
We deliver technologies and solutions to market by implementing pilot projects and
developing technical value and supply chain networks for commercialization and deployment.
Explore how NREL's scale-up and piloting R&D capabilities test-drive and de-risk marketable bioenergy technologies.
Contact us to help us power a sustainable bioeconomy.