Photo of David Palchak

David Palchak

Manager and Research Engineer


David Palchak is the Group Manager for the Transmission Group in the Grid Planning and Analysis Center where he focuses on power system operations at high renewable penetrations. He has studied coal flexibility, demand response or storage, operating reserves, and other strategies for cost-effective renewable integration. David's studies have spanned western and eastern interconnections of North America. He has also worked extensively with the Government of India to help them achieve renewable energy targets through large-scale grid integration studies and to expand modeling capabilities of India’s grid operators through trainings and consultations.

Research Interests

Demand response and renewable energy deployment modeling (PLEXOS)


B.A., Biology, Kenyon College
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University

Professional Experience

Research Assistant, Engines and Energy Conversion Laboratory, Colorado State University (2010–2012)

Materials Tester, Trautner Geotech (2008–2010)

Featured Work

Greening the Grid: Pathways to Integrate 175 Gigawatts of Renewable Energy into India’s Electric Grid, NREL Technical Report (2017)

India 2030 Wind and Solar Integration Study: Interim Report, NREL Technical Report (2019)

Cross-Border Energy Trade Between Nepal and India: Assessment of Trading Opportunities, NREL Technical Report (2019)

Cross-Border Electricity Trade Between India and Sri Lanka: Impact of Power System Operations, NREL Technical Report (2018)
