Learn about NREL's investigation and advancements in computational science, high-performance computing, and collaborative and related research by exploring our publications.

Reevaluating Contour Visualizations for Power Systems Data, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
(November 2023)
(November 2023)

Time-Dependent Electric Bus and Charging Station Deployment Problem, Energy (November 2023)

Revised Nitrogen Reduction Scaling Relations from Potential-Dependent Modeling of
Chemical and Electrochemical Steps, ACS Catalysis (September 2023)

Cost Optimization of Low-Salt-Rejection Reverse Osmosis, Desalination (April 2023)

Data-Driven Simulation-Based Planning for Electric Airport Shuttle Systems: A Real-World
Case Study, Applied Energy (February 2023)

Smart Mobility in the Cloud: Enabling Real-Time Situational Awareness and Cyber-Physical
Control Through a Digital Twin for Traffic, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (January 2023)
NREL Publications Database
View all NREL computational science publications.