Mushir Thodika

Mushir Thodika

Postdoctoral Researcher-Materials Science

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Mushir Thodika joined NREL in October 2022 as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Mark van Schilfgaarde. His work focuses on the development of Green’s function-based, high-fidelity electronic structure code and its application to large-scale chemical systems. He received his bachelor's/master's dual degree in chemistry from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali in 2017. He completed his doctoral studies in chemistry at Temple University, where he developed Hermitian and non-Hermitian approaches for computing negative ion resonance states.

For additional information, see Mushir Yhodika's LinkedIn profile.

Disclaimer: Any opinions expressed on LinkedIn are the author’s own, made in the author's individual capacity, and do not necessarily reflect the views of NREL.

Research Interests

Computational materials science

Electronic resonances

Electronic structure method development

Computational photochemistry

Quantum dynamics


Ph.D., Chemistry, Temple University

M.S., Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali

B.S., Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali

Professional Experience

Graduate Research Assistant, Temple University (2018–2022)

Associations and Memberships

 Member, American Chemical Society

Featured Work

Projected Complex Absorbing Potential Multi-Reference Configuration Interaction Approach for Shape and Feshbach Resonances, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (2022)

A Unique QP Partitioning and Siegert Width Using Real-Valued Continuum Remover Potential, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (2022)

Description of Two-Particle One-Hole Electronic Resonances Using Orbital Stabilization Methods, Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2020)

Comparative Study of Methodologies for Calculating Metastable States of Small to Medium-Sized Molecules, Journal of Chemical Physics (2019)

Awards and Honors

Francis H. Case Fellowship Award for Outstanding Research, Temple University (2020)

Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research Fellowship, Department of Science and Technology, India (2012–2017)
