Melissa Davis

Melissa Davis

Postdoctoral Researcher-Materials Science

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Melissa Davis is a postdoctoral researcher with a focus on developing perovskite solar cells for space applications.  She obtained her doctoral degree from Florida State University where her dissertation was on developing a simulation model to accurately perovskite films under bending scenarios. She has also completed research on flexible perovskite solar cells and looks forward to the prospect of perovskite photovoltaics as an emerging technology.

For additional information, see Melissa Davis's LinkedIn profile.

Disclaimer: Any opinions expressed on LinkedIn are the author’s own, made in the author's individual capacity, and do not necessarily reflect the views of NREL.

Research Interests

Perovskite solar cells for space applications

High-throughput manufacturing of perovskite solar cells

Accurate and predictive finite element analysis modeling of perovskite films under mechanical stresses


Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, Florida State University

M.S., Industrial Engineering, Florida State University

B.S., Electrical Engineering, George Mason University

Featured Work

Predictive Modeling of Cracking Behaviors in Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells, IEEE Journal of Flexible Electronics (2022)

PEDOT:PSS-Polyethylene Oxide Composites for Stretchable and 3D-Printed Thermoelectric Devices, Composite Communication (2021)

A Review of Flexible Halide Perovskite Solar Cells Towards Scalable Manufacturing and Environmental Sustainability, Journal of Semiconductors (2020)

Porous Halide Perovskite-Polymer Nanocomposites for Explosive Detection with a High Sensitivity, Advanced Materials Interfaces (2018) 

Awards and Honors

Army Educational Outreach Program Educator of the Year (2022)

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (2017)
