Brian Sergi is a researcher in the Capacity Expansion & Electricity Markets Group in NREL's Grid Planning and Analysis Center. His work focuses on integrated energy modeling and policy analysis related to low-carbon resource integration and the energy transition.

Research Interests

Integrated modeling of the electric grid and gas pipeline networks

Capacity expansion and operational modeling

Low-carbon resource integration

Policy analysis for the electric power sector


Ph.D., Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University

B.S., Science, Technology, and International Affairs, Georgetown University

Professional Experience

Course Instructor, University of Colorado Boulder (2021–Present)

Science Policy Fellow, Science and Technology Policy Institute (2012–2014)

Associations and Memberships

United States Association for Energy Economics

Featured Work

The Curtailment Paradox in the Transition to High Solar Power Systems, Joule (2021)

Coordinated Operation of Electricity and Natural Gas Systems From Day-ahead To Real-time Markets, Journal of Cleaner Production (2021)

Duke Energy Carbon-free Resource Integration Study: Capacity Expansion Findings, NREL Presentation (2020)

Electric Power Grid and Natural Gas Network Operations and Coordination, NREL Technical Report (2020)
