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SRRL BMS Daily Raw Data: Field IDs
January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2005

Click on field title to change sort order.
Field #
2Year -
3DOY -
4MST -
5Global PSP W/m2
6Global PSP (ventilated) W/m2
7Global LI-200 (unit 1) W/m2
8Global LI-200 (unit 2) W/m2
9Global RG780 PSP (vent.) W/m2
10Global TSP-1 W/m2
11Global CM6b W/m2
12Global SP Lite W/m2
13Global Quantum LI-190 µmol/s/m2
14Global TSP-700 (vent.) W/m2
15Research #1  
16Research #2  
17Global UV-Total TUVR W/m2
18Global UVB 501A W/m2
19Global UVE 501A (MED) MED/hr
20Global UVB MS210W W/m2
21Global UVA CUVA1 W/m2
22Global UVB CUVB1 W/m2
23Global UVA UV-S-A-T W/m2
24Global UVB UV-S-B-T W/m2
25Global UVB UVB-1 W/m2
26Global UVE 501A (Index) Index
27Direct NIP (unit 1) W/m2
28Direct NIP (unit 2) W/m2
29Direct LI-201 W/m2
30Direct RG780 NIP W/m2
31Direct CH1 W/m2
32Direct UV-Total TUVR W/m2
33Direct UVA CUVA2 W/m2
34Direct UVB CUVB2 W/m2
35Photometer TWC (500nm) W/m2/nm
36Photometer MS110 (368nm) W/m2/nm
37Photometer MS110 (500nm) W/m2/nm
38Photometer MS110 (675nm) W/m2/nm
39Photometer MS110 (778nm) W/m2/nm
40Diffuse PSP (sdwband corr.) W/m2
41Diffuse PSP (vent.) W/m2
42Diffuse 8-48 (vent.) W/m2
43Diffuse CM22 (vent.) W/m2
44Diffuse UVB UVB-1 W/m2
45Research #3  
46Downwelling IR PIR (vent.) W/m2
47Downwelling IR CG4 (vent.) W/m2
48Upwelling IR PIR W/m2
49Net Infrared PIR (inst.) W/m2
50Net Infrared CG4 (inst.) W/m2
51CR23X Temp oC
52Dry Bulb Temp (Deck) oC
53Relative Humidity (Deck) %
54501A Temp oC
55CUVA1 Temp oC
56CUVB1 Temp oC
57CUVA2 Temp oC
58CUVB2 Temp oC
59UV-S-A-T Temp oC
60UV-S-B-T Temp oC
61UVB-1 Temp (Global) oC
62UVB-1 Temp (Diffuse) oC
63DW PIR Dome Temp oK
64DW PIR Case Temp oK
65DW CG4 Case Temp oK
66UW PIR Dome Temp oK
67UW PIR Case Temp oK
68Research #4  
69CR23X Battery VDC
70CR10X Battery (Met-Twr) VDC
71Transmitter Battery VDC
72CR10X Temp (Met-Twr) oC
73Dry Bulb Temp (Tower) oC
74Relative Humidity (Tower) %
75Wind Chill Temp (Tower) oC
76Vertical Wind Shear 1/s
77Wind Speed (10') m/s
78Pk Wind Speed (10') m/s
79Wind Speed (22') m/s
80Wind Direction (22') o from N
81Pk Wind Speed (22') m/s
82Wind Speed (42') m/s
83Wind Direction (42') o from N
84Pk Wind Speed (42') m/s
85Station Pressure mBar
86Est. Sea-Level Pressure mBar
87Precipitation mm
88Precipitation (Accumulated) mm
89Global CM3 (CNR1) W/m2
90Upwelling Shwv CM3 (CNR1) W/m2
91Downwelling IR CG3 (CNR1) W/m2
92Upwelling IR CG3 (CNR1) W/m2
93Net Infrared CNR1 (atmos.) W/m2
94Global 40-South PSP W/m2
95Global 40-South LI-200 W/m2
96Upwelling Shortwave PSP W/m2
97Upwelling Shortwave LI-200 W/m2
98Upwelling Quantum LI-190 µmol/s/m2
99Global Normal CM-21 W/m2
100Global 90-North PSP W/m2
101Global 90-North LI-200 W/m2
102Global 90-East PSP W/m2
103Global 90-East LI-200 W/m2
104Global 90-South PSP W/m2
105Global 90-South LI-200 W/m2
106Global 90-West PSP W/m2
107Global 90-West LI-200 W/m2
108CNR1 Case Temp oK
109CR10X Temp (Rad-Twr) oC
110CR10X Battery (Rad-Twr) VDC
111LI-2020 Battery VDC
112Global PSP (vent/zenith corr.) W/m2
113AOD MS110 (368nm)  
114AOD MS110 (500nm)  
115AOD MS110 (675nm)  
116AOD MS110 (778nm)  
117AOD TWC (500nm)  
118Diffuse PSP (vent/thermal corr.) W/m2
119ΔT s
120Broadband Turbidity  
121Net Radiation (Eppley) W/m2
122Net Radiation (CNR1) W/m2
123Albedo (PSP) (ratio)
124Albedo (CNR1) (ratio)
125Zenith Angle o
126Azimuth Angle o
128Net Infrared PIRs (atmos.) W/m2
129AOD Estimated (500nm)  
130Albedo (LI-200) (ratio)
131Albedo Quantum (LI-190) (ratio)
132Dew Point Temp (Tower) oC
133Cloud Cover (Total) %
134Cloud Cover (Opaque) %
135Wet Bulb Temp (Tower) oC
136Global CM22 (vent.) W/m2

These raw data files were downloaded
directly from the datalogger using
Campbell Scientific LoggerNet.

Real-time data collection is quality checked
using min/max and delta comparisons.

Note: Some sites may be merged from several dataloggers
and/or contain post-proccessed fields.