Technical Experts

The Uniform Methods Project will utilize a group of technical experts to help develop methods for calculating savings. The following table lists the lead technical expert assigned to each of the measures under evaluation.

Measure Lead
Phase I — Energy Efficiency Measures
Commercial Lighting Dakers Gowans, Left Fork Energy
Commercial Lighting Controls Jared Mettoyer, DNV GL
Steve Carlson, DNV GL
HVAC, Residential Boilers and Furnaces Dave Jacobson, Jacobson Energy
HVAC, Unitary Commercial Dave Jacobson, Jacobson Energy
Refrigerator Recycling Doug Bruchs, Cado
Residential Whole-House Retrofit Mimi Goldberg & Ken Agnew, DNV GL
Residential Lighting Scott Dimetrosky, Apex Analytix
Phase I — Cross-cutting Protocols
Assessing Persistence and Other Evaluation Issues Dan Violette, Navigant
Metering Dan Mort, ADM
Peak Demand and Time-Differentiated Energy Savings Frank Stern, Navigant
Sample Design M. Sami Khawaja, Cadmus
Josh Rushton, Cadmus
Josh Keeling, Cadmus
Survey Design and Implementation Robert Baumgartner, Tetra Tech
Phase II
Air Compressors Nate Benton, Patrick Burns; Nexant
ASD Motors Jeffrey Romberger, SBW
Assessing Persistence and Other Evaluation Issues Dan Violette, Navigant
Chillers Alex Tiessen, Posterity Group
Commercial New Construction Steven Keates, ADM
Data Centers Robert Huang, Cadmus
Eric Masanet, Northwestern University
Estimating Net Savings Dan Violette, Navigant
Pam Rathbun, Tetra Tech
HVAC Controls – EMS/DDC systems Jeffrey Romberger, SBW
Residential Behavior Jim Stewart, Cadmus
Annika Todd, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Retrocommissioning Alex Tiessen, Posterity Group
Phase III
Combined Heat and Power George Simons, Stephan Barsun; Itron
Strategic Energy Management James Stewart, Cadmus
