Technical Advisory Group
The Uniform Methods Project will utilize two technical advisory groups to support its work. The scope of work and members for each group are listed below.
Technical Advisory Group
This group will provide guidance on the protocols, answering such questions as: Are
they applicable and accessible to all programs? Are they in the proper format? Are
they useful to a wide variety of audience perspectives? Does the method meet project
policy goals? Is the method technically valid? Is there data available to support
the method? Is there industry consensus around the validity of the method?
Members include:
- Mimi Goldberg, DNV GL
- Frank Stern, Navigant
- Dick Spellman, GDS Associates
- Kevin Warren, Warren Energy
Net-to-Gross Advisory Group
This group will help frame net-to-gross issues and provide guidance to the project
team on how these issues should be treated and presented for each measure or measure
category. Resources for this group can be found on the Net-to-Gross Group Resources page.
Members include:
- Tom Eckman, Regional Technical Forum
- Steve Schiller, on behalf of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Elizabeth Titus, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships
- All other Technical Advisory Group members listed above