Advanced Buses
NREL has wide-ranging experience in developing and demonstrating bus technology to help fleets achieve energy and fuel savings.

Alternative Fuel Bus Evaluations
Transportation agencies nationwide are integrating efficient buses into their fleets to take advantage of reduced energy costs and cleaner emissions. To support cost-effective, optimized transitions to these advanced vehicles, NREL provides customized evaluations of electric bus development, performance, cost, and infrastructure requirements. This includes battery-electric buses (BEBs), hybrid electric buses, and fuel cell electric buses (FCEBs).

Our evaluations include:
- Creating inventories of agencies’ current fleets
- Collecting detailed operational data of conventional and alternate fuel vehicles
- Evaluating their performance
- Assessing their total costs of ownership
- Identifying strategies to improve the cost and performance of low- and zero-emissions fleets.
In-use data collection for electric buses can include average bus speed, energy usage per trip, HVAC system use, emissions estimates, operating costs, maintenance, and bus driver user experience. We can also analyze battery degradation.
Bus Demonstrations
NREL has experience demonstrating and comparing different bus technologies under real-world conditions. Our portfolio includes demonstrations of BEBs versus propane-fueled buses for the National Park Service, FCEBs for the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District, and BEBs for numerous transit agencies, governments, and communities.
Bus Infrastructure Assessment and Planning
NREL assesses the potential of currently available bus technologies to meet emissions regulations, operational feasibility, and life-cycle costs.
To explore the economics of fleet electrification, we developed the Vehicle and Infrastructure Cash-Flow Evaluation (VICE) modeling tool. VICE assesses the economic viability of purchasing and operating new electric vehicles compared to new conventional vehicles by evaluating upfront capital costs, annual operating costs, and expected service lifetime for fleets and charging infrastructure.
To support deployments of dynamic wireless-charging technology, we have developed two models:
- A strategic planning model for optimizing dynamic wireless charging facilities and BEB battery capacity
- A tactical planning model for an optimal charging schedule under the time-of-use tariff mechanism.
These models can support optimized, cost-effective deployments of electric fleets and charging infrastructure.
Data and Tools
The following NREL data and tools support bus research and analysis:
Fleet DNA: Commercial Fleet Vehicle Operating Data
FleetREDI: Fleet Research, Energy Data, and Insights
DRIVE: Drive-Cycle Rapid Investigation, Visualization, and Evaluation Tool
DriveCAT: Drive Cycle Analysis Tool
FASTSim: Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator
National Summary Statistics for Depot-Based Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Operations
Vehicle and Infrastructure Cash-Flow Evaluation (VICE) Modeling Tool
Depot-Based Vehicle Data for National Analysis of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicle Charging, NREL Strategic Partnership Project Report (2024)
Planning Dynamic Wireless Charging Infrastructure for Battery Electric Bus Systems with the Joint Optimization of Charging Schedule, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies (2024)
Comprehensive Review of California’s Innovative Clean Transit Regulation: Phase I Summary Report, NREL Strategic Partnership Project Report (2022)
Duluth Transit Authority Battery-Electric Bus Evaluation, NREL Technical Report (2022)
Fuel Cell Buses in U.S. Transit Fleets: Current Status 2020, NREL Technical Report (2021)
Foothill Transit Battery Electric Bus Evaluation: Final Report, NREL Technical Report (2021)
Financial Analysis of Battery-Electric Transit Buses, NREL Technical Report (2020)
National Park Service Bus Electrification Study, NREL Technical Report (2020)
Surat Municipal Corporation Bus Electrification Assessment, NREL Technical Report (2019)
To learn more about our bus development and demonstration research or to explore partnership opportunities, please reach out.