Decision Support for Islands and Territories
NREL provides decision support, technical assistance, and resources to help islands and U.S. territories plan for and implement clean energy solutions.
NREL expertise can address the technical, policy, social, and economic hurdles to greater adoption of sustainable transportation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy in islands, remote areas, and territories.
Technical Assistance
NREL offers technical expertise to help islands and territories navigate the complexities of implementing or transitioning to clean energy.
Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project
Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas
Explore all technical assistance opportunities.
Resources and Tools for Projects
NREL provides resources and tools to help islands and territories navigate clean energy projects.
Multilab Energy Planning Support for Puerto Rico
Since 2017, NREL, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and five other national laboratories have provided tools, training, and modeling support to Puerto Rico to enable resilient energy planning and operation of the electric power grid.
Energy Transitions Initiative
NREL develops resources and tools to advance self-reliant island and remote communities through the DOE Energy Transitions Initiative.
Energy Security and Resilience
NREL's research in energy security and resilience aims to minimize the occurrence of energy system disruptions and, when they occur, their impact on services, missions, and people.
Engage Energy Modeling Tool
This tool facilitates custom energy system planning, simulation, and data management for islands and other jurisdictions based on user-supplied data sets.
Energy Island Energy Snapshots
These snapshots provide insight on electricity sector, policies, and opportunities for clean energy for 35 islands in the Caribbean and Pacific through DOE's Energy Transitions Initiative.
REDi Island: Renewable Energy Discovery Island
This educational virtual world powered entirely by renewable energy shows applications for marine energy and hydropower technologies.
Resilience in Remote Communities
NREL partners with islands, remote communities, and territories to provide decision support to advance resilience and energy solutions.
Success Stories
Advancing Transportation Efficiency and Electric Vehicles in Tonga: A Review of Relevant Trends and Best Practices, NREL Technical Report (2023)
Expanding Accessibility of Energy Modeling in Hawaii, NREL Fact Sheet (2021)
Building Island Resilience Through the Energy, Water, Food Nexus, NREL Subcontract Report (2019)
Celebrating 10 Years of Success Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative 2008-2018, DOE Technical Report (2018)
Strategies for International Cooperation in Support of Energy Develop in Pacific Island Nations, NREL Technical Report (2012)
Wind Power Opportunities in St. Thomas, USVI: A Site-Specific Evaluation and Analysis, NREL Technical Report (2012)
U.S. Virgin Islands Energy Road Map: Analysis, NREL Technical Report (2011)