
These publications—including technical reports, journal articles, conference papers, and posters—either focus on or were heavily informed by the Distributed Generation Market Demand (dGen™) Model or its predecessor, the Solar Deployment System (SolarDS) Model.

A powerwall on a house.
Distributed Solar and Storage Outlook: Methodology and Scenarios

As part of NREL's Storage Futures Study, dGen modeled customer decisions about whether to adopt distributed storage paired with PV under different scenarios. dGen found battery costs and high value of backup power are the biggest drivers of distributed storage deployment.

Rows of transmission towers.
North American Renewable Integration Study: A U.S. Perspective

dGen modeled rooftop solar potential in the United States, Canada, and Mexico—generating nearly 94,000 agents for residential, commercial, and industrial sectors in U.S. counties.

Two men installing solar panels
Chapter 4: Customer-Adopted Rooftop Solar and Storage in the The Los Angeles 100% Renewable Energy Study

In an unprecedented NREL study, dGen modeled customer-adopted distributed energy resources for each building in the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power's service territory.

Modeling the U.S. Rooftop Photovoltaics MarketNREL Conference Paper (2010)

Renewable Electricity Futures Study, NREL Technical Report (2012)

The Solar Deployment System (SolarDS) Model: Documentation and Sample ResultsNREL Technical Report (2009)

SunShot Vision StudyU.S. Department of Energy Report (2012)
