EVI-X Modeling Suite of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Analysis Tools

NREL's EVI-X modeling suite informs the planning and development of large-scale electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure deployments—from the regional, state, and national levels to site and facility operations.

Three Types of Tools

Network Planning icon

Network Planning

Use these tools to quantify charging infrastructure needs such as:

  • Number, type, and location of charging ports
  • Recommended power levels and grid impacts
  • Practical control strategies to counter EV charging loads
  • Accessible and affordable charging
  • Optimized charging for fleets and ride-hailing services
  • Long-distance travel along highway corridors
  • Utility partners for infrastructure installation.
Site Design icon

Site Design

Use these tools to inform charging station design for:

  • Dynamic roadway charging feasibility
  • Energy estimation and site optimization
  • Optimal sizing and control of behind-the-meter storage  
  • Composition and size of EV fleets
  • Optimal placement of charging station equipment.
financial analysis icon

Financial Analysis

Use these tools to assess costs associated with charging infrastructure such as:

  • Station and network economics
  • Levelized cost of charging
  • Investor payback period and risk analysis.

Network Planning Tools

EVI-Pro: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Projection Tool

Vehicle Type: Light-duty vehicles | Tool Type: NREL software and web tool


Charging infrastructure projection based on typical daily travel


  • Estimates the required quantity and type of chargers needed to meet a given demand
  • Identifies associated power demands on the electric grid
  • Accounts for differences in vehicle and charger technologies, market adoption conditions, the shared use of chargers, travel and charging preferences, and more

Target Users

  • Vehicle manufacturers
  • Charging network operators
  • Electric utilities and public utility commissions
  • Researchers
  • Government entities



EVI-Equity: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure for Equity Model

Vehicle Type: Light-duty vehicles | Tool Type: NREL software


Environmental and energy justice analysis of current and future electric mobility


  • Evaluates the accessibility, affordability, community needs/benefits, and decarbonization impacts of EVs and charging infrastructure
  • Provides comprehensive, high-resolution data and metrics for designing a more equitable electrification future, based on individual household-level socioeconomics, demographics, vehicle purchase and ownership, refueling behavior, mobility patterns, housing types, and environmental conditions such as air quality

Target Users

  • Vehicle manufacturers
  • Charging network operators
  • Public utility commissions
  • Researchers
  • Government entities



EVI-OnDemand: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – On Demand Tool

Vehicle Type: Light-duty vehicles | Tool Type: Simulation platform


Charging infrastructure demand modeling for electric ride-hailing services


  • Estimates the charging infrastructure needs of electrified ride-hailing fleets in urban areas
  • Considers factors influencing the demand for mid-shift public-access fast charging, such as driver shift length and overnight charging access

Target Users

  • Vehicle manufacturers
  • Charging network operators
  • Electric utilities and public utility commissions
  • Researchers
  • Government entities



EVI-RoadTrip: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure for Road Trips Tool

Vehicle Type: Light-duty vehicles | Tool Type: NREL software


Charging infrastructure analysis for long-distance travel


  • Simulates EV energy consumption and charging demands for interregional long-distance travel along highway corridors to inform charging infrastructure deployment
  • Examines the necessary number and location of charging stations and associated power demands on the electric grid, as well as the impact of infrastructure reliability

Target Users

  • Vehicle manufacturers
  • Charging network operators
  • Electric utilities and public utility commissions
  • Researchers
  • Government entities



U-Finder: Utility Finder for Identifying Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Installation Partners

Vehicle Type: Light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles | Tool Type: Web tool


Charging infrastructure installation networking resources


  • Provides information about local utilities supporting infrastructure installation in a given state or ZIP code
  • Includes rebates and incentives offered by utilities

Target Users

  • Charging network operators and site hosts
  • Government entities
  • Fleet operators



EVI-DiST: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Distribution System Integration Tool

Vehicle Type: Light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles | Tool Type: NREL software


High-fidelity distribution grid insights for utilities


  • Provides high-fidelity modeling to utility planners for better monitoring and control of increased EV charging loads at the grid scale
  • Assesses impact of increasing EV adoption on distribution systems and implements practical control strategies to counter expected EV charging loads

Target Users

  • Electric utilities
  • Researchers



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Site Design Tools

EVI-InMotion: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure — In Motion Tool

Vehicle Type: Light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles | Tool Type: NREL software


Dynamic and quasi-dynamic charging infrastructure design analysis


  • Performs city- and state-level feasibility and optimization analyses for large-scale deployments of dynamic chargers on public roadways
  • Evaluates the impact of dynamic chargers on vehicle efficiency, driving range, and charging time

Target Users

  • Vehicle manufacturers
  • Site hosts
  • Electric utilities
  • Researchers
  • Fleet operators



EVI-EnSite: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure — Energy Estimation and Site Optimization Tool

Vehicle Type: Light-duty vehicles | Tool Type: NREL software


Charging infrastructure energy estimation and site optimization


  • Informs the design, development, and control of charging infrastructure, deployments, and station operations and service
  • Integrates site energy management, energy storage systems, distributed energy generation, and non-flexible load modeling
  • Simulates and compares charging operations under different system and site configurations and inputs (deterministic and stochastic)

Target Users

  • Charging network operators and site hosts
  • Electric utilities and public utility commissions
  • Researchers
  • Fleet operators



EVI-EDGES: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure — Enabling Distributed Generation Energy Storage Model

Vehicle Type: Light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles | Tool Type: NREL software


High-fidelity modeling for optimal design and control of behind-the-meter storage (BTMS) resources


  • Optimally sizes BTMS and distributed generation to enable DC fast charging
  • Incorporates high-fidelity building energy models and closed-loop optimal control
  • Supports analysis of multiple scenarios (location/climate, building type, utility rate structure), objectives (lifecycle cost, emissions, resiliency), and features (battery degradation, co-optimization of thermal and battery storage)

Target Users

  • Charging network operators and site hosts
  • Electric utilities and public utility commissions
  • Researchers
  • Fleet operators



HEVII: Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicle Integration and Implementation Tool

Vehicle Type: Heavy-duty vehicles | Tool Type: NREL software


Multi-fidelity telematics-enabled vehicle and infrastructure design analysis


  • Leverages in-use vehicle data to evaluate the electrification potential and infrastructure requirements for commercial vehicle fleets
  • Provides customized specifications and recommendations for optimal vehicle battery sizes, charging rates, and infrastructure placement

Target Users

  • Site hosts
  • Researchers
  • Fleet operators



HEVII: Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicle Integration and Implementation Tool

EVI-Ratio: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Ratio Tool

Vehicle Type: Light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles | Tool Type: NREL software


Planning the ratio and type of charging stations to vehicles in a fleet


  • Identifies number of fleet vehicles likely to transition to EVs in the next replacement cycle
  • Determines how many Level 1, Level 2, and DC fast chargers are required at vehicles’ primary and secondary overnight dwell locations

Target Users

  • Site hosts
  • Government entities
  • Fleet operators



EVI-Ratio: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Ratio Tool

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Financial Analysis Tools

EVI-FAST: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Financial Analysis Scenario Tool

Vehicle Type: Light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles | Tool Type: Spreadsheet


Charging infrastructure financial analyses


  • Provides quick, in-depth financial analyses based on generally accepted accounting principles and informed by infrastructure characteristics such as charger power ratings, usage, cost, and incentives as well as parameters such as electricity price and demand charges
  • Estimates investor payback period, net present value, and break-even first-year charging costs and enables risk analyses

Target Users

  • Charging network operators
  • Public utility commissions
  • Researchers
  • Fleet operators



EVI-LOCATE: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Locally Optimized Charging Assessment Tool and Estimator

Vehicle Type: Light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles | Tool Type: Web tool (forthcoming)


Charging station installation design analysis and cost estimation


  • Helps users determine where to locate charging stations and electrical equipment
  • Calculates optimal wiring runs and assesses electrical capacity of equipment
  • Estimates project costs based on local labor and material rates

Target Users

  • Charging network operators and site hosts
  • Government entities
  • Fleet operators



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Related Research

Electric Vehicle Grid Integration

Intelligent Vehicle Energy Analysis


Contact us to learn more about our EV charging infrastructure analysis capabilities or to discuss your partnership interests.
