Clean Energy to Communities Program: Peer-Learning Cohorts
Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) offers peer-learning cohorts to advance local clean energy goals. Peer-learning cohorts are funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed by NREL with support from the World Resources Institute.

What Are C2C Peer-Learning Cohorts?
Peer-learning cohorts are multicommunity engagements that convene community entities around a common clean energy transition topic. Participants meet regularly for approximately 6 months to exchange strategies and best practices, learn in a collaborative environment, and workshop policy or program proposals, action plans, or strategies to overcome challenges.
In each cohort, experts provide up to 15 participants with case studies, analysis and modeling tools, templates, training materials, and facilitated collaboration to enable accelerated clean energy progress.
More than 200 community entities have participated in one of 15 cohorts.
Upcoming Peer-Learning Cohort Topics
The application period for the January 2025 peer-learning cohort cycle has closed. For email updates about upcoming C2C opportunities, complete and submit the sign-up form.
Stories and Lessons Learned
DOE Welcomes 39 New Communities to Peer-Learning Cohorts To Advance Local Energy Efforts, U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (2024)
Reading, Pennsylvania, Finds Value of Energy Savings Performance Contracts Through C2C Program, NREL News (2024)
Coalitions Foster New Relationships To Facilitate Coordinated Clean Transportation Efforts, Clean Cities and Communities News (2024)
U.S. Department of Energy Welcomes New Round of Innovative Leaders to Peer-Learning Cohorts on Emerging Clean Energy Strategies, U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (2024)
Peer Learning Helps San Diego Center Community Voices in Clean Energy Plans, NREL News (2024)
Joint Office of Energy and Transportation's Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Playbook, Joint Office of Energy and Transportation
Lessons Learned From the Clean Energy to Communities Peer-Learning Cohort on Planning and Funding for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Deployment, NREL Fact Sheet (2024)
Electric Vehicles Grow in the Desert: Peer Learning Helps Sedona Plan for Charging Infrastructure, NREL News (2024)
C2C Peer-Learning Cohorts Participants
For a list of current and past cohorts, visit the Current and Past Peer Learning Cohorts page.
Peer-learning cohorts are intended for participants that have decision-making power or influence in their community entities but need access to additional clean energy expertise to inform upcoming opportunities. Eligible primary applicants for cohort topics may include:
- Tribes, including Alaska Native Villages, Alaska Native Corporations, and state recognized Tribes
- City, town, or county (local) governments
- Metropolitan planning organizations
- Regional planning organizations
- Municipal and cooperative utilities
- Community-based organizations
- Other public entities, such as transit agencies, school districts, and housing authorities.
If you have questions about C2C Peer-Learning Cohorts, please email C2C.
Sign up for C2C email updates to be notified when program applications open.