Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Composite Data Products
The following composite data products (CDPs) focus on current fuel cell electric vehicle evaluations.
- Evaluation Phases and OEM Participation Trend
CDP FCEV 33, 5/8/18 - Cumulative Vehicle Count and Miles Since 2006
CDP FCEV 53, 5/8/18 - Vehicle Count
CDP FCEV 101, 5/7/18
Driving Behavior
- Daily Driving Distance
CDP FCEV 20, 2/19/16 - Trip Speed Comparison with Standard Drive Cycles
CDP FCEV 27, 2/29/16 - Trip Ambient Temperature
CDP FCEV 35, 2/19/16 - Time Between Trips
CDP FCEV 36, 5/1/16 - Time Between Trips and Trip Ambient Temperature
CDP FCEV 37, 5/1/16 - Trips per Hour
CDP FCEV 38, 2/19/16 - Trips per Hour by Fuel Cell Operation Hour Groups
CDP FCEV 39, 2/19/16 - Comparison of Fuel Cell Stack Operation Hours and Miles Traveled
CDP FCEV 51, 2/19/16 - Vehicle Miles
CDP FCEV 102, 5/7/18 - Fuel Cell Stack Operation Hours
CDP FCEV 104, 5/7/18 - Driving Start Time by Time of Day
CDP FCEV 118, 5/7/18 - Driving by Day of Week
CDP FCEV 119, 5/7/18 - Average Trip Speed
CDP FCEV 126, 5/7/18
- Fuel Cell Stack Operation Hours and Voltage Durability
CDP FCEV 21, 5/1/16 - Projected Hours to 10% Voltage Degradation
CDP FCEV 22, 4/28/16 - Fuel Cell Stack Voltage Durability as a Function of Voltage Drop Levels
CDP FCEV 23, 2/19/16 - Fuel Cell Operation Hours and Voltage Degradation Trend
CDP FCEV 31, 5/3/16 - Fuel Cell Operation Hours Beyond 10% Voltage Degradation
CDP FCEV 34, 4/28/16 - Max Fuel Cell Power Degradation over Operation Hour Segments
CDP FCEV 43, 3/4/16 - Voltage Degradation Projection by Operation Hours
CDP FCEV 50, 2/19/16
Fuel Cell Performance
- Fuel Cell Stack Power Level Operation Time
CDP FCEV 24, 3/18/16 - Fuel Cell Voltage
CDP FCEV 40, 2/19/16 - On-Road Fuel Cell Stack Efficiency
CDP FCEV 45, 4/29/16 - Fuel Cell Stack Energy at Power Levels
CDP FCEV 52, 2/19/16
Fuel Economy
- On-Road Fuel Economy Trends
CDP FCEV 32, 4/28/16 - Effect of Average Trip Length on Fuel Economy
CDP FCEV 42, 4/28/16 - Vehicle Fill Amounts
CDP FCEV 108, 5/7/18 - Average Vehicle Fuel Economy
CDP FCEV 114, 5/7/18 - Effect of Average Trip Speed on Fuel Economy
CDP FCEV 141, 5/7/18 - Average On-Road Fuel Economy by Vehicle Odometer
CDP FCEV 144, 5/7/18 - GHG Emissions by Fuel Economy
CDP FCEV 169, 5/7/18
Fueling Behavior
- Vehicle Fill Duration Time
CDP FCEV 09, 5/1/16 - Hydrogen Tank Level at Refueling
CDP FCEV 15, 3/1/16 - Average Calendar Days Between Refueling per Vehicle
CDP FCEV 106, 5/7/18 - Refueling by Time of Day
CDP FCEV 116, 5/7/18 - Refueling by Day of Week
CDP FCEV 117, 5/7/18 - Vehicle Tank Temperatures versus Ambient Temperatures
CDP FCEV 146, 5/7/18 - Fill Pressures and Temperatures Compared with SAE J2601 Limits
CDP FCEV 149, 5/7/18
Hydrogen Performance
- Final Fueling Pressure—FCEV Onboard Sensors
CDP FCEV 25, 4/29/16 - Vehicle Tank Temperatures Before and After Fueling
CDP FCEV 28, 3/3/16 - Vehicle Tank Temperatures: Before and After a Fill
CDP FCEV 129, 5/7/18 - Vehicle Tank Temperatures and Pressures after Fill Events
CDP FCEV 130, 5/7/18
- Distance Driven Between Refueling
CDP FCEV 07, 4/11/16 - Average On-Road Vehicle Range
CDP FCEV 47, 2/19/16 - Vehicle Average Fill Amount by Month
CDP FCEV 54, 3/1/16 - Vehicle Fill Count by Month
CDP FCEV 55, 3/1/16 - Average Vehicle Miles Between Fills by Month
CDP FCEV 56, 3/1/16
- Maintenance Causes and Effects—Stack Subsystem, Filter Component
CDP FCEV 57, 4/25/16 - Maintenance Causes and Effects—Stack Subsystem, Sensor Component
CDP FCEV 58, 4/25/16 - Maintenance Causes and Effects—Stack Subsystem, Stack Component
CDP FCEV 59, 4/25/16 - Maintenance Causes and Effects—Thermal Management Subsystem, Coolant Component
CDP FCEV 60, 4/25/16 - Maintenance Causes and Effects—Thermal Management Subsystem, Filter Component
CDP FCEV 61, 4/25/16 - Maintenance Causes and Effects—Thermal Management Subsystem, Pump Component
CDP FCEV 62, 4/25/16 - Maintenance Causes and Effects—Air Subsystem, Filter Component
CDP FCEV 63, 4/25/16 - Maintenance Causes and Effects—Air Subsystem, Sensor Component
CDP FCEV 64, 4/25/16 - Maintenance Causes and Effects—Air Subsystem, Humidifier Component
CDP FCEV 65, 4/25/16 - Maintenance by Subsystem Category
CDP FCEV 66, 4/25/16 - Maintenance by Component Category
CDP FCEV 67, 4/25/16 - Maintenance by Component Category
CDP FCEV 68, 4/25/16 - Maintenance Total Number of Events
CDP FCEV 70, 4/25/16 - Maintenance Total Labor Hours
CDP FCEV 71, 4/25/16 - Maintenance per Vehicle
CDP FCEV 72, 4/25/16 - Mean Miles Between Failure
CDP FCEV 73, 4/9/16
Specifications and Summary
- Vehicle Size Parameters
CDP FCEV 11, 9/19/15 - Fuel Cell System Power Parameters
CDP FCEV 12, 9/19/15 - Vehicle Speed and Acceleration Parameters
CDP FCEV 13, 9/19/15 - FCEV Hydrogen Storage Metrics
CDP FCEV 48, 9/22/15 - FCEV Summary of Key Metrics vs. DOE Targets
CDP FCEV 174, 5/7/18 - Summary of Key FCEV Metrics
CDP FCEV 175, 5/7/18
Data Processing
- Data File Count and Size
CDP FCEV 10, 3/11/16