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Read announcements for NREL’s high-performance computing (HPC) system users.
Kestrel Blog - A VIP Visit and Celebration for Kestrel
June 12, 2023
Check in often for updates from the team, videos, photos, and more in the Countdown to Kestrel blog!
This was a very exciting day for Kestrel! U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm visited the NREL campus to help showcase and celebrate the laboratory's new campus expansion projects. Among many exciting activities of the day, the secretary joined NREL staff and representatives from Hewlett Packard Enterprise to sign the supercomputer!
FY24 HPC Allocation Cycle: Call for Requests
May 10, 2023
NREL runs an annual open call on behalf of EERE for research and development projects to request use of a defined quantity, or allocation, of the compute resources at NREL. This notification serves as the announcement of this call for allocation requests. The allocation period of performance runs from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024.
Check out the New Kestrel Blog!
March 24, 2023
The newest high-performance computing system, Kestrel, is about to take flight at NREL! Follow the journey of EERE’s latest supercomputing technology in the new Kestrel blog! The first components of the Kestrel supercomputer will arrive at NREL on March 20.
Check in often for updates from the team, videos, photos, and more in the Countdown to Kestrel blog!Data Security Best Practices
March 24, 2023
HPC Operations strongly recommends against setting world writeable (chmod o+rwx or 777) permissions on either your /home or /scratch directories
HPC Office Hours
March 24, 2023
HPC office hours are being held remotely via Teams on a bi-weekly basis alternating between Tuesday and Thursday at 11am. Please see the NREL HPC Training page: NREL HPC Training page.
New to HPC - Get Help
Oct. 16, 2022
Support and Help Contact information and sites available in this announcement.
CSC Tutorials Team and Channels
Oct. 16, 2022
Staff in the Computational Science Center host multiple tutorials and workshops on various computational science topics throughout the year, such as Visualization, Cloud, HPC, and others.
In Microsoft Teams, a “Computational Sciences Tutorials” public team was just created to be the hub for all such tutorials and workshops. Benefits to using the the team include the following: