2024 Total Solar Eclipse Grid Impact Study

NREL has analyzed the grid impacts of the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, and is sharing its findings with the power industry and interested public.

With support from the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office, and in collaboration with the North American Electric Reliability Corp., NREL has studied the extent of reduction in solar generation during the eclipse, including its impact across three interconnections.

This study, which is pending publication, modeled the U.S. grid impact down to individual balancing areas, including complete analysis of each independent system operator region. NREL used its findings to track and broadcast the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse’s grid impact in real time.

Total Solar Eclipse Webinar

On April 2, NREL and the North American Electric Reliability Corp. hosted a webinar explaining analysis results to a 500+ audience of the power industry, research community, and interested public.


If you have questions about the research, email Barry Mather.
