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Cohort 2: 2023–2025

Meet the innovators in West Gate's second cohort, learn about the technologies they're developing, and see how to support efforts to broadly deploy these important renewable energy advancements.

Innovators are supported by the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office and Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office.

Lisa Morey

Learn about Lisa Morey's efforts to integrate phase-change materials to enhance the operational performance of compressed earth blocks.

Supported by the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office

Yaman Peksenar

See Yaman Peksenar's planned work on a unique form of biodegradable bioplastics for use in flexible films and soft plastics packaging.

Supported by the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office

Pilanda Watkins-Curry

Learn how Pilanda Watkins-Curry is developing a mineral-extraction process to ensure global clean water security and increase clean energy supplies.

Supported by the Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office and Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office
