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Cohort 1 (2022–2024)

Meet innovators in West Gate's first cohort, learn about the technologies they're developing, and see how to support efforts to broadly deploy these important renewable energy advancements.

These innovators are supported by the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office and Building Technologies Office.

Andrew Gabor

Learn how Andrew Gabor is pioneering ultraviolet fluorescence technology for enhanced solar panel defect imaging to bolster the solar industry.

Supported by the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office

Grant Gunnison

See how Grant Gunnison is revolutionizing home electrification by offering homeowners an app-driven platform that significantly reduces quoted project times and costs.

Supported by the Building Technologies Office

Mikhail Konev

Learn how Mikhail Konev is spearheading a groundbreaking approach to textile recycling by using oxygen to break down plastics into their basic components.

Supported by the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office

Stefan Streckfus

See how Stefan Streckfus is disrupting the energy landscape by converting inactive oil and gas wells into gravity energy storage systems.

Supported by the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office
