Accredited Testing

For marine renewable energy, NREL is accredited for power performance (IEC 62600–100 and –200), power quality (IEC 62600–30), and mechanical loads (IEC 62600–3) testing of wave and tidal technologies.

Accreditation provides a third-party comprehensive assessment and confirmation of the technical competence of the test facility to conduct the scope of work covered in its accreditation.

According to A2LA—an independent, nonprofit, and internationally recognized accreditation body—"Accreditation is synonymous with both quality and competence of an organization, through the use of international standard(s)."

Although accreditation means that test results can be used for certification, project financiers and insurance companies ask for certification to reduce their risk. Accreditation also ensures that the test facility has the quality assurance procedures in place and the expertise to provide high-quality testing more broadly.

NREL is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 for Testing/Calibration Laboratories.

Rebecca Fao

Research Engineer
