Minneapolis-St. Paul Metro Travel Behavior Inventory/Transit Rider Surveys
To inform modeling and planning efforts in the Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, region, transit rider surveys were conducted in 1990, 2005, 2010, 2014, and 2016 as part of larger travel behavior inventory studies.
Transit Agencies
SRF Consulting Group (2005), Cambridge Systematics (2010), Information Services Group (2014), and ETC Institute (2016) conducted surveys for the Metropolitan Council, Metro Transit, and the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority.
Survey Methodology
The surveys were conducted in English, Hmong, Somali, and Spanish.
In 1990, a questionnaire about conditions influencing ridership was given to a random sampling of weekday transit passengers. Results were used in ridership modeling and projection efforts.
In 2005, a questionnaire about trip characteristics—such as origin, destination, purpose, and mode of access as well as socioeconomics and demographics—was given to transit passengers. Results were used for mode-choice and travel-forecast modeling.
In 2010, a survey collected transit ridership data for different routes during different times of the day to support travel-demand modeling.
In 2014, a survey measured system-wide ridership satisfaction levels related to services, routes, reliability, facilities, safety, and environmental and financial responsibility.
In 2016, a survey was conducted to understand transit patterns, improve a regional forecasting model, and investigate the effects of a major new transit service. The survey was carried out by contracted employees aboard buses and trains. A sampling plan ensured the distribution of completed surveys mirrored the actual distribution of riders.
Survey Records, Data, and Documentation
Survey records include 107,247 participants.
Full Survey Data and Documentation
DownloadHow To Cite the Data
If you use the data in a publication, please contact us and include a citation in your publication consistent with the following format:
"Transportation Secure Data Center." [(year)]. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Accessed [date]: www.nrel.gov/tsdc.
More Studies and Surveys
See cleansed data from other transportation studies and surveys.