Solar Energy Innovation Network Publications

Browse publications produced by utilities, governments, nonprofits, and other stakeholders in the Solar Energy Innovation Network (SEIN). These project outputs can help others learn from or apply the solutions developed.

The resources below are outputs from SEIN projects. Most were authored by the multistakeholder teams leading those projects. For more information about the various SEIN projects, see the Round 1, Round 2, and Round 3 pages.

The resources that were published by an organization other than NREL do not necessarily represent the work or views of NREL.

Publication Title Publisher SEIN Round # SEIN Team or Organization Year Topics metadata
A Resilience-Based Siting Toolkit for Solar+Storage Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council 2 Clear Sky Tampa Bay: A Regional Framework for Enhancing Resilience through Solar Plus Storage 2021 Model/tool, solar plus, resilience solar+storage; toolkit; model; excel-based; emergency management; utility; decision support; disaster preparedness; florida; Clear Sky Tampa Bay; local government; case study; distributed energy resources; DERs
Screening Tool for Equitable Adoption and Deployment of Solar (STEADy Solar) - Dataset NREL 3 N/A 2024 Model/tool equitable solar; solar deployment; tool; census tract; STEADY; Inflation Reduction Act; data set; excel-based
Solar Power in Your Community, A Guide for Local Governments on How To Increase Access to and Deployment of Solar PV U.S. Department of Energy 2 N/A 2023 Distributed energy resources Solar; photovoltaic capacity; Distributed PV; Federal incentives; State policy support; Local governments; Market barriers
Solar PV on U.S. Houses of Worship: Overview of Market Activity and Trends Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 3 N/A 2023 Commercial-scale solar equitable solar; solar deployment; commercial solar; solar demographics; solar trends; PV installation; houses of worship; community benefit
The Power of a Network NREL 3 N/A 2022 Commercial-scale solar, residential solar, solar plus, solar financing equitable solar; distributed solar deployment; solar finance; resilience; solar+storage; battery storage; Solar Energy Innovation Network; SEIN
Transforming Energy Through the Solar Energy Innovation Network NREL 1 N/A 2018 Distributed energy resources, solar plus, resilience solar + DER; distributed energy resources; DERs; locational value; rate design; electrification; photovoltaics; PV; roadmapping; roadmap; SEIN; solar energy innovation network; utility
Advancing Small Business Solar Equity: Final Technical Insights Report Lake Street Council 3 Advancing Small Business Solar Equity in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minneota 2023 Solar procurement, commercial-scale solar small business; equity; solar hub network; equitable solar; human-centered design; capacity building; twin cities; Minnesota; commercial solar; solar procurement; community engagement; BIPOC communities; solar access; solar financing; equitable solar
Wondering if Solar Is Right for Your Home? (Austin Solar Flyer) Pecan Street 3 Fair Solar Lending for Historically Underserved Neighborhoods in Austin, Texas 2024 Solar financing solar financing; Austin; Texas; fair solar lending; consumer protection
Safely Exploring Solar: A Guide for Austin Energy Customers Pecan Street 3 Fair Solar Lending for Historically Underserved Neighborhoods in Austin, Texas 2024 Solar financing solar financing; energy resilience; grid resilience; austin; texas; fair solar lending; consumer protection
Locating Equitable Solar Opportunities by Census Tract: A Guide to the Screening Tool for Equitable Adoption and Deployment of Solar (STEADy Solar) NREL 3 N/A 2024 Model/tool equitable solar; solar deployment; tool; census tract; STEADY; Inflation Reduction Act
Solar PV on U.S. Houses of Worship: Overview of Market Activity and Trends Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 3 N/A 2023 Commercial-scale solar equitable solar; solar deployment; commercial solar; solar demographics; solar trends; PV installation; houses of worship; community benefit
Solar for BIPOC Houses of Worship RE-volv 3 Bringing Solar to Houses of Worship Led by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color 2023 Commercial-scale solar, solar financing equitable solar; solar deployment; bipoc; solar finance
Collaborating With Utilities To Meet Underserved Community Needs: A Guide to Equitable Commercial Solar and Solar + Storage Deployment RMI 3 N/A 2023 Commercial-scale solar, solar plus solar plus storage; solar+storage; energy burdens; grid integration; local government; community resilience planning; utility programs; program planning; decision-making processes
Community Resilience Options: A Menu for Enhancing Local Energy Resilience NREL 2 N/A 2023 Resilience, solar plus energy storage, resilience hubs, green infrastructure, emergency services, case studies, value
Impacts of Non-Residential Solar on Residential Adoption Decisions Frontiers in Sustainable Energy Policy 3 Bringing Solar to Houses of Worship Led by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color 2023 Solar adoption behavior non residential solar adoption; residential solar adoption; equitable solar; solar PV influence; solar PV contagion; journal article; adoption behavior
New Pathways for Equitable Solar Adoption in Texas Texas Energy Poverty Research Institute 3 New Pathways for Equitable Rooftop Solar in Texas 2023 Case study, solar procurement low-income households; federal funding sources; HUD; LIHEAP; WAP; utility incentives; state incentives; disadvantaged communities; underserved communities; equitable solar
Advancing Electric System Resilience With Distributed Energy Resources: A Review of State Policies National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners 1 Solar PV for Advanced System Resilience and Restoration 2020 Resilience, distributed energy resources state public utility commissions; utility investments; resilience benefits; NARUC
Economics of Solar With Storage for Municipal Buildings in the City of Orlando NREL 1 Orlando: Renewable and Resilient 2019 Solar plus, modeling and analysis Technical; economic; potential; Florida; PV; photovoltaic; storage; battery storage; PV+Storage; cost-effective; FL
Evaluating Distributed Generation Economics (EDGE) Tool Sustainable City University of New York 2 Overcoming Barriers to Community Shared Solar Plus Storage 2021 Community solar, solar plus, road map, distributed energy resources, commercial-scale solar economic; solar+storage; urban; rooftop solar; NYC; community distributed generation; CUNY; tool
Charting a Path for Reliable, Resilient and Affordable Clean Energy: A Roadmap for Three Communities in Utah Utah Clean Energy 1 Renewable Electricity Impacts and Solutions in Utah 2020 Resilience, solar procurement, distributed energy resources, road map DERs; DER; utility-scale solar; 100% renewable; UT; roadmap
The Value of Resilience for Distributed Energy Resources: An Overview of Current Analytical Practices National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners 1 Solar PV for Advanced System Resilience and Restoration 2019 Resilience, distributed energy resources DERs; DER; cost-benefit analysis; decision-making analysis; natural disasters; cybersecurity; vulnerability; value
Advancing Electric System Resilience With Distributed Energy Resources: Key Questions and Resources National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners 1 Solar PV for Advanced System Resilience and Restoration 2020 Resilience, distributed energy resources state regulation; resilience; regulators; DERs; DER; policy; NARUC
State Strategies for Valuing Distributed Energy Resources in Cost-Effective Locations Clean Energy States Alliance 1 Multistate Initiative To Develop Solar in Locations that Provide Benefits to the Grid 2020 Distributed energy resources, electric vehicle supply equipment DERs; DER; state policy; regulatory policy; value; CESA; EVSE
Solar Power + Electric Vehicle Charging: Capturing Synergies in Minnesota Great Plains Institute 1 Technological and Market Deployment Synergies Between EVs and Solar DG Using EV Charging to Add Value to Distributed Solar 2020 Solar plus, electric vehicle supply equipment marketplace barriers; transportation; greenhouse gas emissions; government; state; local; charging; EV; Minnesota; GPI; EVSE; MN
Navigating Options for Transportation Electrification and Solar Charging Montana Renewable Energy Association 1 Montana Solar Powered Community Transportation Initiative 2020 Solar plus, electric vehicle supply equipment road map; roadmap; electric transportation; EV; electric vehicles; EVSE; EV supply equipment; charging stations; distributed solar
Distributed Rate Design: A Review of Early Approaches and Practical Considerations for Value of Solar Tariffs The Electricity Journal 1 Multistate Initiative To Develop Solar in Locations that Provide Benefits to the Grid 2019 Rate design New York; California; value; tariff flexibility; NY; CA
Current Developments in Retail Rate Design: Implication for Solar and Other Distributed Energy Resources Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 N/A 2019 Rate design, distributed energy resources rate design; DER; DERs; trends; load buildings; demand chargers; net-metering; Evs; electric vehicles; rates; LBNL
Capturing More Value From Combinations of PV and Other Distributed Energy Resources Regulatory Assistance Project 1 N/A 2019 Solar plus, distributed energy resources photovoltaic; DERs; DER; metering; communications; data system; rate design; non-wires alternatives; NWAs; RAP
Blackstart of Power Grids With Inverter-Based Resources NREL 1 Solar PV for Advanced System Resilience and Restoration 2020 Modeling and analysis black start; model; simulation; technical feasibility; inductive loads
Economics of Solar With Storage for Municipal Sites in the City of San Diego NREL 1 Analysis of Distributed Solar Potential in San Diego 2019 Solar plus, modeling and analysis Technical; economic; potential; California; PV; photovoltaic; storage; battery storage; PV+Storage; cost-effective; CA
Evaluating Utility Costs Savings for EV Charging Infrastructure NREL 1 Technological and Market Deployment Synergies Between EVs and Solar DG Using EV Charging to Add Value to Distributed Solar 2019 Electric vehicle supply equipment Reopt; techno-economic decision support; EV; Electric Vehicles; charging stations; PV; Photovoltaics; storage; grid electricity; lifecycle costs; EVSE
Economics of Solar PV and Stationary Storage for Electric Bus Charging in Missoula, Montana NREL 1 Montana Solar Powered Community Transportation Initiative 2019 Solar plus, electric vehicle supply equipment Photovoltaics; EV; EV Charging; Charging stations; analysis; cost; techno-economic; lithium-ion battery storage; fleet; EVSE; MT
Solar HBCU Innovation in Microgrids and Resiliency With Solar + Storage Groundswell, Inc. 2 Creating an Innovative Urban Energy Resiliency Hub 2021 Resilience, distributed energy resources, solar plus Atlanta; energy burden; urban energy resiliency hubs; microgrid; solar +storage
Community Solar and Community Solar + Storage: A Roadmap of Barriers and Solutions for Commercial Systems in NYC Sustainable City University of New York 2 Overcoming Barriers to Community Shared Solar Plus Storage 2021 Community solar, solar plus, road map, distributed energy resources, commercial-scale solar roadmap; solar+storage; urban; rooftop solar; NYC; community distributed generation; CUNY
Institutional and Policy Landscape for Solar-Plus-Storage Deployment by Electric Cooperatives North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center 2 "Solar-Plus" for Electric Cooperatives: Guidance and Documents for High-Value Procurement and Operations 2021 Solar procurement, solar plus solar+storage; electric cooperatives; co-ops; energy storage; co-location; policy; urban markets; investor-owned; front of the meter; utilities; IOUs; utility; local government
SPECs Early-Stage Decision Model: User Manual North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center 2 "Solar-Plus" for Electric Cooperatives: Guidance and Documents for High-Value Procurement and Operations 2021 Model/tool, solar procurement, solar plus solar+storage; batter storage; decision model; excel-based spreadsheet; value; project design and planning; demand charge; solar power purchase agreement; PPA; energy storage service agreement; ESA; System Advisor Model; SAM; analysis
Solar-Plus for Electric Co-ops Early-Stage Decision Model Solar Value Project 2 "Solar-Plus" for Electric Cooperatives: Guidance and Documents for High-Value Procurement and Operations 2021 Model/tool, solar procurement, solar plus excel-based; solar+storage; model; utility; planning; economic
Use of Operating Agreements and Energy Storage to Reduce Photovoltaic Interconnection Costs: Technical and Economic Analysis NREL 2 Evaluating the Use of Energy Storage To Manage Solar Interconnection Costs 2022 Distributed energy resources, interconnection Rhode Island, rural, operating envelope, pv, grid upgrade
Use of Operating Agreements and Energy Storage To Reduce Photovoltaic Interconnection Costs: Conceptual Framework NREL 2 Evaluating the Use of Energy Storage To Manage Solar Interconnection Costs 2022 Distributed energy resources, interconnection Rhode Island, rural, operating envelope, pv, grid upgrade
Reopt Lite Overview - Resilience Analysis: Clear Sky Tampa Bay NREL 2 Clear Sky Tampa Bay: A Regional Framework for Enhancing Resilience Through Solar Plus Storage 2022 Model/tool, resilience, solar plus reopt, PV, solar photovoltaics, battery energy storage, energy storage, toolkit, solar sites, reopt light, tampa bay, clear sky
Community Planning for Solar Toolkit University of Massachusetts Amherst 2 Community-Informed Proactive Solar Siting and Financing in Massachusetts 2022 Model/tool, Solar procurement, rural solar, community solar, siting rural, siting, financing, community, outreach, education, ownership, massachusetts, solar photovoltaics, PV siting
Severe Weather Considerations for Siting Solar PV Systems Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 2 Clear Sky Tampa Bay: A Regional Framework for Enhancing Resilience Through Solar Plus Storage 2022 Siting, resilience PV, solar photovoltaics, siting, tampa bay, clear sky, extreme weather, hurricane, snow, severe weather, wind, hail, flood
Best Practices and Considerations for Siting Battery Storage Systems Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 2 Clear Sky Tampa Bay: A Regional Framework for Enhancing Resilience Through Solar Plus Storage 2022 Solar plus, distributed energy resources, siting, resilience PV, solar photovoltaics, siting, resilience, extreme weather, battery energy storage, energy storage, tampa bay, clear sky, severe weather, shutdown, safety
Breaking Barriers Resilient Energy System Analysis NREL 2 Creating an Innovative Urban Energy Resiliency Hub 2022 Resilience, distributed energy resources, solar plus  Atlanta; energy burden; urban energy resiliency hubs; microgrid; solar +storage
Resilience Valuation and Planning for Solar and Storage On Critical Infrastructure City of Reno 2 Quantifying the Resilience Value of Solar Plus Storage in Reno 2022 Resilience, solar procurement, solar plus, distributed energy resources Reno, solar plus storage, value of resilience, funding sources, critical infrastructure, C-PACE, public safety
Planning for Equitable Solar Deployment With Electric Cooperatives University of Minnesota 2 Organizational Innovation for Equitable Solar Deployment With Electric Cooperatives 2021 solar procurement, distributed energy resources, model/tool, rural solar electric cooperatives, coops, subsidy, equity

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