NREL Helps Universities Go Solar Video — Text Version
Below is the text version for the NREL Helps Universities Go Solar video.
Across the nation hundreds of universities are saving money conserving resources and setting an example for the next generation by implementing solar on their campuses.
In support of the US Department of Energy's SunShot initiative the National Renewable Energy Laboratory is offering no-cost technical assistance to universities seeking to go solar.
Through this initiative NREL is assisting universities through both the solar screening and implementation process, using proven tools such as the REopt™ energy planning platform.
Each university is provided with customized results, including the cost effectiveness of solar PV and storage, recommended system size, estimated capital costs, and projected lifetime cost savings.
And the best news is… all U.S. higher education institutions are eligible to apply.
If your school is interested in a brighter, more sustainable future, please visit our website to learn how NREL is helping universities like yours go solar.