Regulatory Perspective: IEEE Std 1547 Revision and Distributed Energy Resource Interconnection Standards
This page provides highlights of the presentation, Regulatory Perspective: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard 1547 (IEEE Std 1547) Revision and Distributed Energy Resource Interconnection Standards.
Regulatory Perspective: IEEE Std 1547 Revision and Distributed Energy Resource Interconnection
Standards (Rosier 2018)
The presentation was given by Michele Rosier, distributed energy resource specialist
at the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC), at a joint meeting sponsored by
the Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation and the Western Interconnection
Regional Advisory Board on April 20, 2018.
Intended Audiences
- State regulators
- Policy makers
- Energy offices
Topics Discussed
The presentation highlights key considerations and advice for public utility commissions. There are 13 content slides with information based on insights gained from implementation of the Minnesota PUC Order to revise the interconnection process. The presentation includes information on the Minnesotat PUC order, its background, high-level goals for Minnesota, interconnection technical workshops, an overview of the phases and process for the Minnesota update, workgroups and timelines, and bulleted key learnings to date.
Topics | Details |
Best practices |
Slide 3: High-level recommendations Slide 8: Preliminary lessons from Phase II of Minnesota interconnection process update Slide 9: Familiarization with IEEE Std 1547 Slide 11: Recommendations for working with regional transmission operators, indepement system operators, the National Electric Reliability Council, and neighboring states Slide 13: Recommendations for working with technical experts |
Context of interconnection process | Slide 4: Infographic showing interconnection process within broader context of grid modernization |
Case study |
Slide 5: Highlights from Minnesota PUC order on interconnection process Slide 6: Breakdown of tasks and timing into phases in Minnesota interconnection update process Slide 7: Minnesota interconnection workgroup discussion topics and meeting calendar schedule Slide 10: Summary of Minnesota technical subgroup, with list of individuals Slide 14: Example interim implementation timeline |
Application of the standard and integrating into practice | Slide 12: Examples of challenges during discussion, including capabilities versus utilization and reconciling in state requirements |
Resources | Slide 15: List of resources on interconnection-related material |