Decision Options Matrix for IEEE Std 1547-2018 Adoption

This resource is intended to help stakeholders in adoption and implementation of IEEE Std 1547-2018 by guiding them through specific, detailed, decision options (DOs) that can be used in working group deliberations.

Technical Report

Decision Options Matrix for IEEE Std 1547-2018 Adoption (Interstate Renewable Energy Council 2022) The aim of this document is to guide public utilities commissions, utility personnel, and other distributed energy resource stakeholders through the IEEE Std adoption process in a way that is easily digestible and transparent.

Topics Covered

This Decision Options Matrix separates DOs into three categories:

  • Near-term items (actions needed as first steps in the adoption process)
  • Mid-term items (actions that should, for the most part, be taken before the implementation date)
  • Long-term items (actions that may be taken after the implementation date, and may require a formal road map, or may require ongoing re-evaluations).

Key Takeaways

Working groups can use this tool to structure and plan their decisions for implementation of IEEE Std 1547-2018. While this matrix is intended for public utilities commissions, utilities, and distributed energy resource stakeholders, the technical content of IEEE 1547-2018 is broken down into over 50 comprehensible DOs. The matrix is structured to highlight near-term DOs first, including the adoption timeline, performance categories, interconnection rule, and more. The time frame in which a working group selects the near-term DOs may take over six months. The mid-term DOs are listed second, and the long-term DOs are listed last. Each DO includes a description of the option, and a note on what to consider.

The intent of this matrix is to help strengthen organization and communication throughout the adoption process, and to increase overall implementation success.
