The Background for Change

Foreshadowing Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard 1547-2018 (IEEE Std 1547-2018), this article by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) discuses the background and purpose of the standard.

This article is the first of the NRECA series on the standard.


The Background for Change (Walling 2016)
This article was published before the new standard and was written to encourage participation by cooperatives in the final stages of the standard's approval process. It offers a historical review of IEEE Std 1547, including involvement by the NRECA and cooperatives. The article also introduces the context for the changes in IEEE Std 1547-2018, including distributed energy resource penetration and impacts on bulk grid stability.

Topics Covered

The intent of this article is to aid cooperative utilities with the adoption of the standard by highlighting:

  • The context and drivers for changes to the standard
  • The impact on bulk grid stability
  • What cooperatives need to know.

Key Takeaways

Impact on Cooperatives

The article encourages adoption of the standard and explains how cooperatives, as well as other electric utilities, are experiencing significant growth in distributed energy resource interconnection applications and that the revisions are intended to mitigate many of these impacts.

Significant Changes

This tech brief highlights the most significant changes, including:

  • Elimination of the 10-megavolt-amp cap on the standard's applicability
  • Requirements for distributed energy resources to have leading and lagging reactive power capability
  • Mandatory voltage and frequency disturbance ridethrough capability
  • Refined and updated power quality requirements.
