
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standard 1547-2018 (IEEE Std 1547-2018) lays the foundation in the United States for integrating distributed energy resources, including solar energy systems, with the electric distribution grid.

The revised version, IEEE Std 1547-2018, helps accelerate modernization of the U.S. electric power infrastructure by enabling the use of modern distributed energy resources technologies, such as grid-supportive inverters. The new standard is significantly different from the prior version, featuring new concepts and new technical requirements. The new requirements enable the use of modern distributed energy resources toward improving performance of the electric grid during day-to-day operations and improving grid resilience during abnormal grid conditions.

The revised standard was published in April 2018 and is now available from IEEE. Qualified parties may request a discounted copy.

NREL is leading this education project, with funding from The U.S. Department of Energy's Solar Energy Technology Office.
