Addressing the Challenges of Electrothermal Long-Duration Energy Storage
The Degradation Reactions in Electrothermal Energy Storage (DEGREES) Energy Earthshot Research Center advances our fundamental understanding of degradation mechanisms in thermal energy storage materials for grid-scale, long-duration energy storage technologies.
Knowledge from three scientific thrusts inform DEGREES’ crosscutting research strategies, providing a synchronized and synergistic way to accelerate the understanding of thermal energy system degradation and mitigation through phase-change materials (PCMs) and thermochemical materials (TCMs).

Thrust 1. Degradation Mechanisms
To establish a comprehensive understanding of PCM and TCM degradation mechanisms
Thrust 2. Degradation Mitigation
To develop effective degradation mitigation through thermodynamic and kinetic control
Thrust 3. Co-Design of Materials
To discover and synthesize functionalized PCMs and TCMs with controlled degradation
DEGREES is one of 11 Energy Earthshot Research Centers funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.