I-JEDI Model
The International Jobs and Economic Development Impacts (I-JEDI) model is a free tool for analyzing the economic impacts of renewable energy development around the world.

The I-JEDI model was developed by NREL with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Spreadsheet Tool
The I-JEDI model was updated in September 2024 with new economic data to enhance its accuracy and relevance for estimating gross economic impacts related to renewable energy projects, including job creation, earnings, and overall economic growth. Users can now download the updated spreadsheet model below to benefit from the latest information.
The default costs have been adjusted to account for inflation of the U.S. dollar against other currencies, and the default costs for solar PV and wind have been revised. These updates are based on the latest data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, which includes enhanced economic data for Colombia, Mexico, the Philippines, South Africa, and Zambia.
Additionally, users have the option to input their own economic data in various formats, allowing for a more customized analysis. Users are encouraged to enter as much project-specific data as possible to enhance the tool’s effectiveness.
JEDI International 090324
Using MS Excel
When opening the spreadsheet, you may be prompted with a security warning asking if you would like to "Enable Macros." Please select "Enable Macros" or "Enable Content" for the spreadsheet to run properly.
Please make sure that the security setting on your computer is not set to "High." Set the level to "Medium" or "Low" and then re-open the JEDI worksheet. You can reset to a higher level when you have finished using the JEDI model.
The content of this site changes frequently. If you are having trouble with a download, empty your browser cache and try again.
If you have questions, please contact us.
User Agreement
Your User Agreement can be found in the Excel spreadsheet in a separate tab. We do not share or make available any user information.
To learn more about the I-JEDI modeling tool, check out the resources below:
I-JEDI User Tutorial in Spanish
International Jobs and Economic Development Impacts (I-JEDI) model
EECBG Energy Planning Webinar Series: Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) Models Training
International Jobs and Economic Development Impacts Model: Stories of Use and Impact