Spatially Resolved Characterization

For high-throughput experiments, NREL has spatially resolved measurement capabilities, also known as mapping capabilities, and specialized characterization instruments.

Our large number of single-point, specialized characterization instruments allows us to study in more detail the most interesting points on the combinatorial libraries.

Chemical Composition Mapping

Method: X-ray fluorescence (XRF)

Instrument: Fisher XDV XRF

Measures: Composition and thickness

Samples: <12" square

Resolution: 0.3-3 mm

Time per point: 3-5 min

Features: Ti lightest element

Photo of Fisher XDV XRF instrument

Method: X-ray fluorescence (XRF)

Instrument: Fisher XUV XRF

Measures: Composition and thickness

Samples: <6" square

Resolution: 0.3-3 mm

Time per point: 3-5 min

Features: >Al, vacuum

Photo of Fisher XUV XRF instrument

Method: X-ray fluorescence (XRF)

Instrument: Bruker Tornado XRF

Measures: Composition and thickness

Samples: <6" square

Resolution: 0.01-3 mm

Time per point: 3-5 min

Features: >Al, vacuum, micro

Photo of Bruker Tornado XRF instrument

Method: Rutherford back scattering (RBS)

Instrument: National Electrostatics Corp RBS

Measures: Composition and thickness

Samples: <2" square

Resolution: 1 mm

Time per point: 30 min

Features: >N, vacuum

Photo of National Electrostatics Corp RBS instrument

Method: Photoemission Spectroscopy

Instrument: Kratos Nova XPS

Measures: Fermi level and work function

Samples: <6" square

Resolution: 1 mm

Time per point: 30 min

Features: Vacuum transfer

Photo of Kratos Nova XPS instrument

Crystal Structure Mapping

Method: X-ray diffraction (XRD)

Instrument: Bruker D8 Discover XRD

Measures: Structure and phase content

Samples: <4" square

Resolution: 1-2 mm

Time per point: 3-5 min

Features: 2D detector

Photo of Bruker D8 Discover XRD instrument

Method: Raman and photoluminescence

Instrument: Renishaw in Via Raman Microscope

Measures: Vibration modes and phase ID

Samples: <2" square

Resolution: 1 um

Time per point: 5 min

Features: Multiple lasers

Photo of Renishaw in Via Raman Microscope

Optical Property Mapping

Method: Optical spectroscopy

Instrument: Custom with Ocean Optics Spectrometer

Measures: Bandgap and absorption coefficient

Samples: <6" square

Resolution: 1 mm

Time per point: 3 sec

Features: Diffuse and specular ultraviolet visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis-NIR)

Photo of Custom with Ocean Optics Spectrometer

Method: Spectroscopic ellipsometry

Instrument: J.A. Woollam Ellipsometer

Measures: Thickness and refractive index

Samples: <6" square

Resolution: 1 mm

Time per point: 10 sec

Features: Variable angle and UV-VIS-NIR

Photo of J.A. Woollam Ellipsometer

Method: Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)

Instrument: Thermo Scientific FTIR

Measures: Plasmons and vibrations

Samples: <6" square

Resolution: 3 mm

Time per point: 5 sec

Features: 1.8-25 um

Photo of Thermo Scientific FTIR instrument

Method: Colorimetry

Instrument: Epson Perfection V850 photo scanner

Measures: Film images and color

Samples: <8" square

Resolution: 1 um

Time per point: <1 sec

Features: Custom holder and software

Photo of Epson Perfection V850 photo scanner

Electrical Property Mapping

Method: 4-point probe

Instrument: Custom 4-point probe

Measures: sheet resistance

Samples: 2" square

Resolution: 3 mm

Time per point: 15 sec

Features: Heaters for measuring Seebeck

Photo of Custom 4-point probe

Method: Two-terminal measurements

Instrument: Custom JV/CV/IS

Measures: Resistance, capacitance, and impedance

Samples: <6" square

Resolution: 1 mm

Time per point: 5-30 sec

Features: Solar simulator and T/ambient control

Photo of Custom JV/CV/IS instrument

Method: Three-terminal measurements

Instrument: Keithley 4200

Measures: Transistor and capacitor characteristics

Samples: <3" square

Resolution: 1 mm

Time per point: 10 min

Features: Microscope probe station

Photo of Keithley 4200 instrument

Method: Kelvin probe measurement

Instrument: KP Technology

Measures: Work function and surface photovoltage

Samples: <6" square

Resolution: 1 mm

Time per point: 10 sec

Features: Variable angle and UV-ViS-NIR

Photo of KP Technology instrument

Surface Property Mapping

Method: Thickness profilometry

Instrument: Dektak Profilometer

Measures: Film thickness

Samples: <6" round

Resolution: 1 um

Time per point: 30 sec

Features: Holders and analysis software for full wafer mapping

Photo of Dektak Profilometer

Method: Scanning droplet cell (SDC) mapping

Instrument: Custom SDC instrument

Measures: Cyclic voltammetry and photocurrent

Samples: <2" square

Resolution: 2 mm

Time per point: 30 sec

Features: Corrosion testing and LED-based light

Photo of Custom SDC instrument


Method: Contact angle measurement

Instrument: Kruss-Scientific

Measures: Contact angle

Samples: <6" square

Resolution: 3 mm

Time per point: 15 sec

Features: Custom solutions

Photo of Kruss-Scientific instrument

Method: Atomic force microscopy (AFM)

Instrument: Bruker AFM

Measures: Root mean square roughness and grain size

Samples: <6" square

Resolution: 1 nm

Time per point: 30 min

Features: Vacuum transfer


Instrument for Spatially Resolved, Temperature-Dependent Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Thin Films Under Locally Controlled Atmosphere, Review of Scientific Instruments (2021)

Combinatorial In Situ Photoelectron Spectroscopy Investigation of Sb2Se3/ZnS Heterointerfaces, Adv. Mater. Interfaces (2016)

Development and Application of an Instrument for Spatially Resolved Seebeck Coefficient Measurements, Rev. Sci. Instrum. (2013)

Photo of Bruker AFM instrument


Sage Bauers

Staff Scientist
