InflowWind Change Log =============================================================================== Initial release with AeroDyn v13.00.00a-bjj Updates: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.00.01a-bjj - I added the version number to this set of subroutines. - I fixed a bug (first reported by C. Hansen) where the subroutines did not allow HH files with only 1 line of data. - I fixed a potential problem that would cause the program to crash ungracefully if the first byte of the FF file is invalid. Now it will print an error message and return to the calling routine. - I added a parameter for undefined WindType instead of just using 0 all the time. I wanted people to see that 0 is not allowed for new wind types when they look at SharedTypes.f90. - I added the ability to read wind files generated in HAWC format. - I replaced the logic used to determine if the file names in the CTP input file were relative with the new FUNCTION PathIsRelative() from the NWTC Library v1.04.00a-bjj. - I fixed some logic in GetWindType() that incorrectly identified the file extension for files entered with no extension but with "." entered as the current directory (e.g. ".\wind\test" or "..\wind\AnotherTest") v1.00.01b-bjj 14-Nov-2011 - In HAWCWind.f90, I modified HW_Init(): The error statement after reading from the binary files is more descriptive. The read statement was fixed so that the code could be compiled in double precision while still reading binary data stored in single precision . v1.01.00a-bjj, 01-Aug-2012 - I updated FFWind.f90 to read TurbSim periodic wind files. ".bts" files contain information to determine if the file contains a full period; ".sum" files corresponding to ".wnd" binary files contain text to relay this information. If the file is periodic, the first grid in the file is located at X=0 m; otherwise it is located at X=GridWidth/2 m (like it worked before). Periodic files will not have interpolation errors because the wind file is too short. v1.01.00b-bjj, 10-Aug-2012, B. Jonkman - I fixed an error in the interpolation of tower files in the new periodic scheme when the time fell exactly between the two periods. v1.02.00a-mlb, 02-Apr-2013, M. Buhl - I added SX(3) to scale the turbulence level in the three directions for HAWCWind. - I added a test to ensure that WindProfileType is either "LOG" or "PL". - I moved the conversion of WindProfileType to uppercase to just before the test. - I changed the test to ensure that Z0 > 0 so it does the test only if WindProfileType is "LOG". - I changed the version to v1.02.00a-mlb, 02-Apr-2013. v1.02.00b-adp, 08-Apr-2013, A. Platt - Added a check after the MODULO statement on line 1800 of FFWIND.f90 to catch a rounding error within the modulo statement that could lead to accessing elements outside the FFData array. v1.02.00c-bjj, 23-Apr-2013, B. Jonkman - Added a check after the MODULO statement on line 573 of HAWCWIND.f90 to catch a rounding error within the modulo statement (see log from v1.02.00b-adp). To Do: - Replace all global data with data types and make calling program store it - Create new input file for the module - remove all *_ADHack_* subroutines - Pick a name (WindInflow or InflowWind or ??) and make module name/routines consistant - Split FF wind type into different categories (BLADED, TurbSim, TurbSim's BLADED) - add ability to superimpose wind types - add user-defined wind profile? - add steady wind case (no turbulence, just add the wind profile from HAWC?) - add CTWind capability to test program (?)