CHANGES.LOG for IECWind 09/10/97 Eliminated VAVE as it is only necessary in defining the wind turbine class and not the wind conditions. Allow use of lowercase argument for CATG. Eliminate unused dummy arguments. Added titles and column headings to wind files. Reorganized input files to put direction at the end. Placed conditional read on direction specifier to read only if program requires it. Changed direction specifier to be a + or -. Changed units specifier to a character variable to read SI or ENGLISH. ____________________________ 09/11/97 Updated descriptions in sample input file. Put in an inquire for the existence of the input file. Added POS and NEG to the end of output file prefixes where appropriate. ____________________________ 10/28/97 version 2.0 Eliminated the end time and set a default value of 600 seconds. Added vertical wind component via an inclination angle. Added ALL option to generate up to 25 wind files at once (including positive and negative directions and shears, both 1 and 50 year recurrence intervals, and both rated and cut-out wind speeds) for the specified turbine class, turbulence category, and inclination angle. Changed wind file naming convention to indicate the recurrence interval, wind or shear direction, and wind speed (rated or cut-out). Changed order of input file. Made program more robust through use of condition directed reads (i.e., if the parameter is not necessary for the particular session, it is simply passed over, thus avoiding any unwarranted errors on unused parameters). Added statistics about each wind file at the beginning of the file. Added the option "BOTH" to the sign indicator in the input file. ____________________________ 03/23/98 version 3.0 Added linear vertical shear column to all cases for compatibility with YawDyn v11.0. Moved the column heading lines to a subroutine as these are universal to all wind files. ____________________________ 07/22/98 version 4.0 Updated definitions of some cases and added turbine dimensions to input file as per changes made to IEC 61400-1 ed. 2. ____________________________ 07/27/99 version 4.1 Added ability to use values greater than 8 degrees for wind inclination. ____________________________ 08/05/99 version 4.11 M. Buhl Added the compilation date to the version number in the output files. _________________________________ 19-Jun-2001 version 4.12 M. Buhl I modified several routines so that the resulting files don't generate warning messages in AeroDyn. The routines were: EDC50(), EWM01(), and EWM50(). _________________________________ 22-Jul-2005 version 5.00 D. Laino I modified the definitions of the wind events to reflect those of Edition 3 of the 61400-1 standard. Also updated code to Fortran90. The input file has changed. See InputDescription.txt. _________________________________ 31-Aug-2005 version 5.10 D. Laino Brandon Gerber of GE Wind pointed out that the IEC standard specifies "a wind speed range" and not the discrete +2 or -2 m/s coded in the program. To accomodate this, modifications were made to the naming scheme of wind conditions in the input file, as well as the resulting output file names. I also allowed higher resolution on wind speeds by adding a decimal. See InputDescription.txt for the new naming scheme. I also added more robust error checking on the inputs. I changed the code so input file names that use wind speeds can be specified in English units (ft/s) for those who still wish to use those. I realize the listing of wind conditions could be more user friendly, and I plan to make it so in a future version. _________________________________ Unknown version for J. Jonkman's dissertation Added the input option to specify either the -1 or -3 (offshore) standard for wind shear. ____________________________________ 16-Mar-2010 version 5.01.01 M. Buhl I deleted unused declared variables. Yinping Yang pointed out that the header information for the EOG files did not correctly reflect the resulting time series. On the call to GustHead() in GenEOG(), I changed the second argument from Vgust to 2*3.7*Vgust and the last argument from T1+T to T1+0.5*T so that the peak of the gust was output instead of the end. I increased the precision on the values in the header to be the same as it is for the time series. I changed the version numbering scheme to the new standard. This is equivalent to v5.11. The IEC standard (1 or 3) determines the shear exponent (Alpha) now, as it is different for the two standards. ____________________________________ 2012-09-13 v5.01.02 M. Buhl On 2012-09-11, Rebecca Sykes of Lloyd's Register Group Services Limited reported that I had incorrectly changed a 0.2 in the calculation of ShrMax to Alpha, the wind shear exponent. Oops! I put it back the way it was originally.