Photograph of Rebecca Green

Rebecca Green

Researcher V-Operations Research Analysis

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Rebecca Green focuses on offshore wind energy and water power research activities at NREL. Before joining NREL, Green was a senior scientist with the U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management in its Gulf of Mexico regional office in New Orleans. She developed multiagency partnerships at Bureau of Ocean Energy Management through the National Oceanographic Partnership Program, actively participated in stakeholder engagement and outreach, and served as a project leader for the environmental studies program, developing research programs to inform offshore energy management, including Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s first offshore renewable energy strategic plan for the Gulf of Mexico. She has also been a research scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory, Tulane University, and the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, working on both marine ecosystem modeling and ocean observing systems. 


Ph.D., Biological Oceanography, Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program

B.S., Independent Studies Program, California Institute of Technology

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