Distributed Energy Resources Interconnection Workshop 2023
Find the agenda and presentations from the second Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Interconnection Workshop, held March 8, 2023.
Modern Distributed Energy Resource Capabilities and Deployment Considerations
Introduction—Michael Ingram, NREL
Incorporating IEEE Standard 1547: Interstate Renewable Energy Council’s Decision Options Matrix—Brian Lydic, Interstate Renewable Energy Council
Modern DER Capabilities—Andy Hoke, NREL
Updating State Interconnection Standards: A Regulatory Perspective—Michelle Rosier and Derek Duran, Minnesota Public Utilities Commission
Summary of Educational Resources and Activities—Michael Ingram, NREL
About the Workshop
The Modern Distributed Energy Resource Capabilities and Deployment Considerations workshop, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium, provided technical support to public utility commissions. Presenters shared insights on who makes decisions for DER interconnection, lessons learned from the regulatory perspective, and examples of how DERs can benefit stakeholders.
View resources from our previous workshop on Bulk Power System Considerations and Coordination, held Dec. 15, 2022.