Microgrids Peer Review 2022

The Office of Electricity Microgrid R&D Program Peer Review was held July 26–27, 2022. Access presentations from the event below.

The biennial peer review sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Electricity Microgrids Program is an in-progress review of projects by external subject matter experts. The evaluation results support the Microgrids Program in project oversight, program planning, and portfolio management.

Overview of the Microgrid R&D Program
Dan Ton, U.S. Department of Energy

Enabling a Decarbonized, Equitable Grid With Microgrid Building Blocks
Chen-Ching Liu, Virginia Tech

Risk-Controlled Expansion Planning With Distributed Resources (REPAIR)
Miguel Heleno, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Beyond DERMS: Demonstrating Advanced Grid Services for Utility and ISO/RTO Behind-the Meter DERs
Ravindra Singh, Argonne National Laboratory

Advanced Protection for Microgrids and DER in Secondary Networks and Meshed Distribution Systems
Matthew Reno, Sandia National Laboratories

Microgrid Protection Based on Sequence Components
Isabelle Snyder, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

DynaGrid: Dynamic Microgrids for Large-Scale DER Integration and Electrification
Andrey Bernstein, National Renewable National Laboratory

Resilient Electric Distribution Grid R&D (Resilient Ports)
Kevin Schneider, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Net-Zero Microgrid Program
Timothy McJunkin, Idaho National Laboratory

Resilient Operations of Networked Microgrids (RONM)
Russell Bent, Los Alamos National Laboratory (Lead)


Murali Baggu

Laboratory Program Manager, Grid Integration

