## BEopt 3.0.0 Beta __Features__ - Updates to EnergyPlus v22.2 - Switches to [OpenStudio-HPXML](https://github.com/NREL/OpenStudio-HPXML) v1.5.1 for the energy modeling - Many equations (hot water, lighting, appliances, plug loads) are now derived from ANSI/RESNET/ICC Standard 301 - Runtime speed improvements (particularly for heat pump water heaters and solar water heating) - Simplified inputs in some categories (particularly for HVAC and water heating) - Allow hourly electricity emissions factors (by default, includes factors from [Cambium](https://www.nrel.gov/analysis/cambium.html) - New modeling capabilities: - New scheduling/occupancy capabilities: - New schedule categories for Lighting, Clothes Washer, Dishwasher, and Hot Water Fixtures - New stochastic occupancy options for Lighting, Clothes Washer, Clothes Dryer, Cooking Range, Dishwasher, Plug Loads, and Hot Water Fixtures - Allows user-defined 8760 setpoint schedules for heating, cooling, and water heating - Allows user-defined heating/cooling seasons; defaults to year-round availability - Updated rating metrics - SEER2 for Central Air Conditioners, Air Source Heat Pumps, and Mini-Split Heat Pumps - HSPF2 for Air Source Heat Pumps and Mini-Split Heat Pumps - CEER for Room Air Conditioners - UEF for water heaters - IMEF for clothes washers - CEF for clothes dryers - IEF for dehumidifiers - Added guidance for converting from older metrics (SEER, HSPF, EF, etc.) - Allow modeling Li-ion batteries for homes w/ PV systems - Additional heat pump supplemental heating inputs (e.g., fuel type, efficiency, switchover temperature) - New heat pump water heater operating mode input (standard vs heat pump only) - Allow modeling conventional storage water heaters with stratified tank model for higher precision - Above-grade foundation height input on Geometry Input Screen - New output capabilities: - Heating/cooling loads disaggregated by component (e.g., walls, windows, internal gains, etc.) - HVAC design loads (used for autosizing) - HVAC design loads disaggregated by component (e.g., walls, windows, infiltration/ventilation, etc.) - HVAC capacities show heat pump heating and backup heating capacities separately - Allow choice of timeseries output frequency (timestep, hourly, daily, monthly) in the Settings window - Multifamily buildings: - Switches from modeling entire building to individual dwelling units - Introduces four generic boundary space types for walls/floors/ceilings: - Adiabatic - Buffer space (e.g., enclosed unconditioned stairwell) - Heated space (e.g., shared laundry/equipment space) - Non-freezing space (e.g., shared parking garage ceiling) - Cost multipliers: - New "Max Capacity Per Unit" input for HVAC categories; used to determine the number of units. - New "Costed Pipe Length" input for hot water distribution category. - Updated default source energy factors, utility rates, and emission factors - Updated DView, SQLite, etc. to latest version __Fixes__ - Fixes possible crash during optimization by replacing OpenGL tessellation approach - Fixes downloading EPW files; fix parsing EPW files from WeatherShift - Fixes multiple modeling errors through switch to OpenStudio-HPXML - Fixes potentially erroneous foundation heat transfer through update to EnergyPlus v22.2 - Fixes not being able to create new options in the Finished Basement category - Deprecates interface capabilities of low value or high maintenance (B10 Benchmark, ERI, California mode, etc.) ## BEopt 2.8.0 __Modeling Features__ - Added central fan integrated supply (CFIS) mechanical ventilation type - Added ducted mini-split heat pump (MSHP) options (w/ sample MSHP ducting option) - Switched to new Kiva ground heat transfer model - Added boiler input to specify if it is modulating - Updated to EnergyPlus v8.8 __Interface Features__ - Allow basement heights to be changed - New version of DView __Modeling Fixes__ - Various bugfixes for ERI calculation - Bugfix for dehumidifier energy consumption - Bugfix for ceiling insulation install grade - Bugfix where, e.g., an AC with electric baseboard would show double the cooling capacity - Bugfixes for HPWH ambient air temperature depression model - Various bugfixes for HVAC sizing algorithm - Fixed MSHP capacity unit conversion __Costs__ - Fixed mini-split heat pump costs - Updated double/triple-pane window costs - Utility bill bugfix for not including heat pump supplemental heating electricity usage - Utility bill bugfix for true up of annual excess electricity with real time pricing ## BEopt 2.7.0 __Modeling Features__ - Updated mini-split heat pump EnergyPlus model - Added inputs for heating capacity retention during cold outdoor air temperatures - Added input for presence of pan heater - Added new options to better representative market-available models - Infiltration model can account for flues/chimneys (furnace, boiler, water heater, fireplace) - Updated to EnergyPlus v8.6 __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed error when a multifamily building has corridor space and a pier & beam foundation - Fixed tiered incentives from being reset to non-tiered incentives when re-opening project file __Modeling Fixes__ - Various ERI fixes for reference & rated building specifications - 2013 ASHRAE 62.2 infiltration credit can now apply to new construction homes - Fixed duct losses hourly output - Fixed EnergyPlus error when using a ground-source heat pump with a multifamily building - Fixed amount of natural ventilation in multifamily buildings - Fixed possible error for multifamily buildings with finished basements __Costs__ - Fixed utility bill calculations when the building has a heat pump water heater - Updated PV costs per latest LBL report - Updated LED lighting costs/lifetimes - Updated mini-split heat pump costs - Updated heat pump water heater costs - Updated attic insulation costs ## BEopt 2.6.1 __Modeling Fixes__ - ERI: Fixed missing mechanical ventilation energy use - ERI: Fixed zero heating fan energy use for reference buildings with air-source heat pumps - ERI: Prevent auto-sizing the rated home HVAC when a fixed capacity was entered - Fixed accidental disabling of attic perimeter taper effect - Fixed possible stratified tank error in high hot water usage situations - Fixed possible sizing error when modeling certain HVAC equipment in very small houses __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed possible error when aggregating results in End Use graph - Fixed possible "Index was outside the bounds of the array" error ## BEopt 2.6.0 __Interface Features__ - Ability to calculate Energy Rating Index (ERI) per the ANSI/RESNET 301-2014 __Modeling Features__ - Updated to EnergyPlus v8.4 Update 1 - Distribution System Efficiency (DSE) option type in the Ducts category - Adjustment of duct nominal R-value to actual R-value per Palmiter & Kruse 2006 - ACH value for pier & beam foundation type - Clothes dryer monthly schedule __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed ability to download weather files (EnergyPlus website changed) - Fixed possible error when opening a BEopt project file by double-clicking on it - Fixed error when selecting a DR signal type for non-California Metrics project types - Fixed interface appearing when using --geoInput argument - Fixed missing corridor space number in help file __Modeling Fixes__ - Fixed error when there is an ERV and no forced air equipment ## BEopt 2.5.0 __Interface Features__ - Multifamily mode - Ability to see output for each unit in the End Use graph and DView - Units can now be deleted even if they have drawn floor area - PV production is allocated to each unit based on finished floor area - Disaggregated loads not met in End Use graph by living vs basement - Disaggregated heating and water heating energy in End Use graph by main vs. supplemental - Added water heating delivered energy and pipe losses to End Use graph - HVAC capacities are now displayed in the End Use graph - Preserve geometry screen settings when creating new cases and re-opening project files - Renamed 'Heating & Cooling' end use graph type to 'Delivered Energy' - Highlight display values (vs simulation inputs) in the Option Input Screen __Modeling Features__ - New categories: - Central Water Heater (Multifamily) - Central Hot Water Distribution (Multifamily) - Steel Stud walls - New simulation variables: - Ducting options, HVAC interaction factor, and temperature depression for heat pump water heaters - Forced draft fan power and parasitic electric power for non-electric water heaters - Corridor lighting power density (Multifamily) - Tank/collector/pump properties for solar water heating - Insulation install grade for foundation ceilings, attic ceilings/roofs, and double stud walls - Stud & gap depths (instead of cavity depth) for double stud walls - New residential heat pump water heater model - Updated to EnergyPlus v8.4 (custom version with HPWH bugfix) - Using detailed minute-by-minute hot water draw profiles - Tiered electricity rates are now supported for multifamily buildings __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed missing erase button on 2nd level of a MF building - Removed screen resolution limitation - Fixed Shower gal/unit/day display value for multifamily buildings __Modeling Fixes__ - Improvements to mini-split heat pump model based on field data - Updated finished basement heat load calculation to better follow Manual J - Updated vented crawlspace air leakage distribution (ceiling/walls/floor) per LBL recommendation - Fixed Infiltration + Mech. Vent. hourly output for balanced systems - Fixed swapped simulation variable values for natural ventilation - Fixed EnergyPlus to use sea level atmospheric pressure for HPWH ratings - Fixed water mains temperatures used in EnergyPlus for southern hemispheres. Costs - Fixed door area cost multiplier for multifamily buildings - Fixed air conditioner retrofit install labor cost - Updated some hot water distribution costs ## BEopt 2.4.1 Beta __Interface Features__ - Uses DView - Allows opening EnergyPlus detailed output files directly - Includes group names (e.g., "Point X" in BEopt) for exported data/images __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed geometry rendering for some buildings with both deck and attic space on the same level - Improved interface when using "Medium" or "Large" Window fonts or low screen resolutions - Fixed possible "Window area for the facade differs from user input" error message - Fix for possible error when visualizing weather data in DView - Fixed possible python errors if python environment variables (e.g., PYTHONHOME) are set - Fixed possible error while migrating project files from an older version - Modified "Heating (E)" end use bar color to make text overlay more visible __Modeling Fixes__ - Fixed error when using mechanical ventilation in retrofit mode - E+ coil objects were incorrectly using Install Supply Fan Power instead of Rated - Fixed EnergyPlus DX heating coil defrost operation - Fixed delivered heating for MSHPs when energy multiplier is less than 1 (energy use was correct) - Disallow infiltration credit for ASHRAE 62.2 2013 mechanical ventilation for multifamily __Costs__ - Fixed zero PV utility bill credit when using a detailed electric rate with a feed-in tariff - Fixed possibility of PV costs that are way too large ## BEopt 2.4.0 Beta __Interface Features__ - Multifamily mode - Dwelling unit geometry can be drawn in detail - Copy/Mirror button allow quick duplication of drawn units - Units are simulated together as a whole-building model - Unit-specific autosizing of HVAC equipment (or user-specified fixed sizing) - Unit-specific duct locations, dependent on adjacency to attics or other unconditioned spaces - Multi-family assumption for number of occupants as a function of number of bedrooms - Unit-specific hourly outputs available in DView (except energy use) - Gas and electric can be centrally or individually metered - New enclosed corridor space type - Infiltration based on unit-specific exposed surface area - Can handle up to 5 stories, plus an attic level - Added separate PV cost multipliers to the Site screen - Added input for PV monthly grid connection fee ($ or $/kW) - Disaggregated HVAC Fan/Pump energy into Heating and Cooling components for End Use graph - Disaggregated Delivered Heating into main and supplemental systems - Output graph settings are synched across all cases with output - Added "Copy Data" menu item to all 3 output graphs __Modeling Features__ - New categories: - Door construction and area - New options: - Condensing tank water heater - Heat pump clothes dryer (ventless) - Premium electric and gas clothes dryers - Window area options specified as window-to-wall ratios for each facade - Mechanical ventilation now accommodates ASHRAE 62.2-2013 in addition to ASHRAE 62.2-2010 - New simulation variables: - Occupancy multiplier for appliance categories - Separate Neighbor offsets for front, back, left, and/or right - Furnace fan power for when building has no central cooling equipment - Cold climate specification for heat pumps to be sized based on max of heating/cooling load - Added duct losses for ducts in finished basements - Updated AC, ASHP, and MSHP oversizing limits based on Manual S, 2nd edition - Benchmark options for appliances are now physical options - Removed support for DOE2 as a simulation engine option __Interface Fixes__ - Prevent "Invalid optimization stopping constraint specified" from potentially being displayed - Fixed possible "DView.exe has stopped working" error for some users - Fixed some calculated display values for finished and unfinished basements (results unaffected) - Fixed exported csv from the Options graph when designs have a comma in their name - Fixed delivered heating for ASHPs/MSHPs as well as electric furnaces with 2-stage ACs - Fixed natural gas fixed charge being applied to propane __Modeling Fixes__ - Fixed hot water mains temperature for southern hemisphere - Fixed Manual J infiltration load calculation for 1- and 2-story buildings - Fixed using 8760 hourly schedules in some categories (e.g., MELs) - Fixed EnergyPlus constraint on minimum compressor outdoor temp. for multispeed heat pumps - Fixed modeling of slab perimeter+gap insulation when the perimeter width approaches zero - Fixed terrain-adjusted wind speed in AIM-2 infiltration model - Improved HVAC sizing for post-retrofit buildings - Fixed natural ventilation algorithm with respect to zone humidity __Costs__ - Updated PV costs per 2014 NREL/LBNL report - Revised costs for 3-pane windows with insulated frame - Revised costs/lifetime for radiant barrier - Annual excess sellback rate for electricity now defaults to $0.03/kWh (previously retail rate) - Fix for natural gas monthly fixed charge applying to propane/oil ## BEopt 2.3.2 __Interface Features__ - Ability to type in a user-specified optimization stopping constraint (e.g., "5%" or "120%") __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed interacting with Cost/Energy graph after zooming/panning - Fixed issue where part of the building geometry could disappear - Fix for creating/modifying interior shading options with option type "Schedule" - Fixed Above-Grade SLA display value inconsistency when the building has a finished attic - Some memory/speed improvements, particularly when there are lots of cases - Fixed missing help topic: Near Optimal Solutions __Modeling Fixes__ - Fixed cooling capacity reported by DOE2 for variable speed ACs - Fixed possible sizing error when ducts are present with negative intermediate cooling loads ## BEopt 2.3.1 __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed missing rows in option editor cost grid when creating (as opposed to copying) a new option - If design tabs are reordered, points on output screen are updated for consistency __Modeling Fixes__ - Fixed error with net-metered PV, Detailed utility rate, and a user-specified excess sellback rate ## BEopt 2.3.0 __Interface Features__ - Simplified cost framework (removed cost selector, cost groups, and cost sources) - Enhanced DView for hourly output visualization; including: - New Daily, Monthly, and Statistics tabs - Stacked area plots - Ability to open external datasets (including sub-hourly data) for comparison - And much more! - Detailed Heating & Cooling graph type for End Use graph - Ability to specify timesteps for EnergyPlus simulations; now defaults to 10 mins - Added setting to auto-save the project file after each case has been run - Added Site Energy graph type to End Use graph (sum of site energy for each fuel type, in MBtu) - Ability to specify Neutral Cost for optimization stopping constraint - Added "Optimal output" sections in the detailed report for optimization cases - Previous case runtimes are displayed on the output screen - Default to displaying all columns in Option input screen - Performance improvements __Modeling Features__ - New categories: - Pier & Beam foundation type - New options: - Phase change materials (PCMs) (E+ only) - LED lighting with updated efficacy values - Open & closed cell spray foam - Propane and electric boilers - Propane clothes dryer - Propane cooking range - New simulation variables: - PV System: Inverter efficiency - Thermal Mass: Generic thermal properties for up to 2 layers - New measures that cover various envelope insulation and/or sealing situations - Accommodate walls with essentially floor to ceiling windows - Added numerous hourly output variables - Re-organized/renamed a few categories __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed calculation of minimum utility bill charges - Fixed running simulations in multiple instances of BEopt if opened at nearly the same time - Fixed optimization mode not stopping at ZNE - Fixed error if running an optimization with only a single building design defined - Fixed error if using an EPW file generated from Meteonorm - Fixed error saving library changes if Windows username has non-ascii characters - General improvements to the EPW download form - Fixed optimal point numbers listed in Select dropdown, for consistency with detailed report - Fixed possible crash when using option sensitivity curve; improved performance - Fixed possibility of option control being incorrectly read-only - Fixed possible "column EconomicPropertyGUID is not unique" error - Fixed missing window if facade window area was less than 6sqft - Fixed possible rendering artifacts on some graphics cards - Fixed some water heaters not being available due to tank size __Modeling Fixes__ - Corrected handling of HPWH cooling effect in EnergyPlus for heating/cooling loads - Fixed auto-sizing issues for extremely cold climates that may have a negative cooling load - Fixed interaction of supply ventilation with exhaust flows (including duct leakage) - Implemented mini-split heat pump oversizing factor - Fixed error with ERV calculations when the whole-house ventilation equals 0 - Updated rules for water heaters (take into account tank volume; fixes for propane) - Fixed handling of incandescent efficacy in lighting equation - Fixed EnergyPlus error for large solar hot water systems __Costs__ - Updated LED costs/lifetimes ## BEopt 2.2.1 __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed possible issue with library migration - Improved option sensitivities in Cost/Energy graph for enhanced v2.2 optimization algorithm ## BEopt 2.2.0 __Interface Features__ - Utility rate wizard - Tiered - Time-of-use - Tiered time-of-use - Real-time pricing (8760 hourly values) - Fixed and/or minimum charges - Schedules wizard - Weekday/Weekend + Month profiles - 8760 profiles - Demand response (DR) analysis based on critical peak events - Output screen improvements: - Cost/Energy graph scale can be set via right-click, Graph Display > Set Scale - Groups on the Options graph can now be collapsed/expanded and synch with the Options input screen - Show Differences graph display added to Options graph - Graphs can now be interacted with (displayed metrics, etc.) while simulations are running - Allow aborting the simulation process while preserving output - Ability to copy graph images to clipboard - Enhanced sequential search optimization algorithm to incrementally choose (non-linear) PV points - Moved large appliance and misc load schedule definitions into separate categories - Various re-ordering of groups/categories - Added a geometry screen error if the building has windows on an attached wall __Modeling Features__ - Updated to EnergyPlus v8.1 build 009 (which includes a boiler fix reported by NREL) - Updated to 2014 Building America House Simulation Protocols - DR schedules for air conditioning, major appliances, and misc loads - Added rated air flow rate properties for air conditioners and air source heat pumps - Added closed cell spray foam ceiling insulation options for crawlspaces - SimMgrConsole.exe can now run on Linux (requires Mono 3.2.3; Wine for DOE2) - SimMgrConsole.exe now has a --summaryOutput argument to produce only Costs.out and Sim.out files - create_xml_file.py can now handle changing building geometries via a --geoInput argument __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed HPXML export error if a supply and/or return duct has zero duct area - Fixed possible unsuccessful HPXML export related to missing weather file - Fixed issue where re-running one case would cause all other case output graph displays to reset - Fixed possible OpenGL crash for certain GPU configurations (updated to OpenTK 1.1 final) - Fixed possible "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" - Fixed possible "no such column: AnnualTDVValue" - Renamed "capital cost" to "initial cost", to clarify that the costs include labor __Modeling Fixes__ - Fixed Utilities/create_xml_file.py to correctly handle options with boolean properties - Eliminate gas fixed charges for all-electric homes - Fixed insulation level for gable walls when the unfinished attic's roof is insulated - Fixed error when running ERV/HRV with room air conditioner __Costs__ - ACs, ASHPs, Furnaces: Costs now disaggregated into fixed ($) plus variable ($/kbtuh) components ## BEopt 2.1.2 __Interface Features__ - Option sensitivities display for Cost/Energy graph (available for optimizations & large parametrics) __Interface Fixes__ - Improved algorithm for window area sizing and positioning - Fixed possible "Unable to open the database file" error when launching BEopt - Fixed possibility of BEopt 2.0 project files migrating unsuccessfully - Fixed entering labor cost data for ducts, where 2 cost types have the same name but different units __Modeling Fixes__ - Handle duct & window area inputs that don't follow the BEopt convention (fraction of total) ## BEopt 2.1.1 __Modeling Features__ - Added Utilities/create_xml_file.py, a script to facilitate running batch simulations; see Modeling Framework > BEopt XML Files in Help for details __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed error when saving the project if the project was opened by double-clicking the project file - Fixed small bugs with option type implementation for option editor - Fixed possible error when migrating an older project file to v2.1 - Fixed possible data inconsistency when renaming an option - Include inflation & escalation in Simulation Utility Bills section of the detailed report - Fixed 'hide constant end uses' graph display when showing Heating/Cooling Loads or Loads Not Met - Fixed error if exporting output points to a new case with the B10 Benchmark (or similar) included - Fixed possible weird fonts/menus when using high resolution monitors with DPI scaling __Modeling Fixes__ - Fixed possibility of window areas not exactly matching entered values ## BEopt 2.1.0 __Interface Features__ - "Option type" capability in Option Editor simplifies the required set of inputs within a category - Users can choose to show all options in Option screen, not just options filtered as acceptable/costable - Added y-axis metrics to Cost/Energy graph: - Energy Related Costs, Net Present Value - Energy Related Costs, Life Cycle Cost - Simple Payback - Modified Payback - Levelized Cost of Energy, Source - Added x-axis metrics to Cost/Energy graph: - CO2 Savings/Emissions - TDV Savings/Consumption (CA Utility Cost Test project type) - Added metrics to End Use graph: - Heating/Cooling Loads - TDV Energy (CA Utility Cost Test project type) - Added component-based air leakage estimate for existing buildings, based on age, location, and size - Gas hookup checkbox on site screen specifies whether the B10 Benchmark is all-electric or mixed fuel - BEopt now exports HPXML v1.1.1 - Added feed-in-tariff utility bill calculations, as an alternative to net metering for PV production - Updated to OpenEI v2 API, which provides more/updated utility rates - Better display of comparison option's costs/lifetimes in the Option Editor - Additional flexibility for modifying costs/properties in the Option Editor when there is output - Checkbox on incentives dialog allows incentives to be excluded from the reference building - CA Utility Cost Tests projects can now be run with DOE2 in addition to E+ - For optimizations, optimal points are available in the Select dropdown on the output screen - Added ability to generate simulation input files for points selected on the output screen - Irrelevant hourly output variables (e.g. crawl temp if no crawl) in DView are no longer displayed - Added area on site input screen to specify building address and enter notes - DView now displays a batch of simulations within a single window __Modeling Features__ - Updated to EnergyPlus v8.1 - Updated to DOE-2.2 48n (includes fixes for window heat transfer and PV, as reported by NREL) - Updated to latest version of Building America House Simulation Protocols - New categories: - Mini-Split Heat Pump (E+ only) - Room Air Conditioner (E+ only) - Disaggregated large, uncommon misc loads (Extra Refrigerator, Freezer, Pool Heater, Pool Pump, Hot Tub/Spa Heater, Hot Tub/Spa Pump, Well Pump, Gas Fireplace, Gas Grill, Gas Lighting) - New simulation variables: - Crawlspace & basements: rim joist insulation, ceiling joist height - Ducts: cfm/100ft2 at 25Pa (duct blaster test results) - Window Areas: absolute (not percentage-based) values - Major appliances & misc loads: monthly/hourly schedules - Slab: insulation R-values (replaces Winkelmann perimeter conductivity) - Equipment categories: installed efficiency (in addition to rated efficiency) - Interior Shading: schedule for cooling shade months - Lighting: incandescent/CFL/LED/LFL efficacies - New measures: - Insulate the interior of CMU walls (spray foam, rigid board, or batt) - Insulate the roof with continuous insulation (and no cavity insulation) - Remove ceiling insulation and insulate the roof with spray foam - Remove ducts - Insulate interzonal walls with both loose fill and rigid foam board - Allow simulation of dehumidifiers without cooling equipment (E+) - Added additional insulation types for most envelope categories - New default pre-retrofit option for ducts is 20% Leakage, R-4 (previously: 30% Leakage, Uninsulated) - More general specification of slab insulation configurations, increasing the set of options available - BEopt categories.xsd schema now includes Option Type logic and is far more explicitly defined __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed possible option manager error related to deleting options - Fixed possible OpenGL crash for certain modern GPU configurations (updated to OpenTK 1.1 beta1) - Fixed possible Index out of range error after running simulations - Improved searching through the help file __Modeling Fixes__ - Fixed bug for two stage and var. speed ACs/HPs where single stage cooling EER was used for all stages - Fixed bug for HPWHs when there is no cooling equipment (HPWHs would always use electric resistance) - Fixed possible error with certain Ground Source HP configurations - Fixed HPWHs other than 50/80 gallons not showing up in the Options screen - ASHRAE design conditions are used for equipment sizing if in the EPW (else calculated from EPW weather) - Fixed bug when sizing equipment for houses with finished basements in hot climates - Improved error handling for situations when modeled window area does not equal the user's inputs - Allow CMU furring insulation R-value to be entered as 0 (rather than the air film) when uninsulated - Clarified that Mechanical Ventilation options are based on 2010 ASHRAE 62.2 - Changed recovery efficiency to be more representative for several water heater options - Fix double-counting of tank losses during firing of non-electric water heaters __Costs__ - PV: Reduced costs and split apart inverter cost/lifetime; added non-linearity as a function of size - Fixed labor costs for Unfinished Attic measures - Disaggregated material and labor costs for several envelope categories ## BEopt 2.0.6 __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed possible error when running a parametric in retrofit mode - When running simulations, check that all categories have at least one selected option __Costs__ - Fixed retrofit costs for duct sealing and air sealing (broke in version ## BEopt 2.0.5 __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed sizing of post-retrofit simulations that occur after a HVAC upgrade, when using autosizing - Fixed display of HVAC capacities in output screen when using E+ - Fixed possible error when bringing user options into a project - Fixed not being able to select certain OpenEI utility rates in the zip code lookup dialog - Fixed freeze when opening projects with completely left-justified drawings - Fixed inability to select some costs when a cost group is being used by a case with output - Fixed syncing of post-retrofit option selections when existing options are selected via the matrix - Disallow options at wear out as appropriate in mutually exclusive categories - Fixed OpenGL problems for some users by using the latest nightly version of OpenTK - Fixed possible crash when running simulations if the technology's remaining life is less than 1 year - Fixed initial renderings when opening retrofit project files - Fixed display order for options not being correctly preserved/saved - Fixed possible "Index must be within the bounds of the List" error - Fixed user water heater options with specified tank volumes not being available for selection __Modeling Fixes__ - Fixed utility bill calculations when there are oil/propane technologies - Fixed utility bill calculations when there is an electric furnace in DOE2 - Fixed duct leakage imbalance makeup air calculation when ducts in vented attic/crawlspace - Fixed simulating GSHPs with a user-specified cooling capacity - Fixed crankcase heating not being included for multi-speed air conditioners in EnergyPlus - Crankcase heating in E+ now shows up in the cooling end use, consistent with DOE2 - Improved C_d (cycling degradation coefficient) values for air conditioners and heat pumps ## BEopt 2.0.4 __Interface Features__ - Application type (New Const. vs Retrofit) is now set on splash screen; applies to entire project - Retrofit mode defaults to "Existing (w/ Min Replace)" reference - Window Areas wizard faciliates entering absolute (sqft) values - Ability to pause/resume simulations - OpenEI rate list is filtered by selected utility/climate zone for CA Utility Cost Tests projects __Modeling Features__ - Updated to work with EnergyPlus v8.0.0 (Build 008) __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed user options in envelope categories potentially not showing up in retrofit mode - Fixed non-electric source energy in DView's hourly output not using the correct source-to-site ratio - Fixed possible error when saving project ("no row was inserted") - Fixed possible error about being unable to modify an option selected in a case with output - Fixed possible application crash when running simulations - Fixed benefit/cost ratio calculations to calculate NaN (rather than zero) when the cost is zero - Fixed hpxml generation for buildings with vaulted ceilings - Fixed possible errors related to canceling the modify option dialog - Fixed display of costs in the Option input screen when the pre- & post-retrofit options are the same - Fixed opening OpenEI utility tariffs in their website (the OpenEI schema changed) - Prevent warnings when using DView checkbox in run dialog with E+ - Don't auto include copied options in new projects (now consistent with creating an option) - When generating DView simulation results upfront for retrofit mode, display the analysis years - Show additional warnings/errors in the console when using the BEopt.SimMgrConsole.exe - Allow BEopt to be run with non en-US cultures - Renamed "PROJX" dirs to "TEMPX", to make it clearer that user data shouldn't be saved here - Clarified inputs for HVAC capacities for heat pumps - Clarified that HVAC capacities on input and output screens are output capacities - Additional misc cosmetic improvements __Modeling Fixes__ - Allow simulating a non-integer number of bathrooms - Fixed simulating ground source heat pumps with non-Autosized field properties - Added error-checking for ERV/HRV effectiveness calculations __Costs__ - Fixed furnace costs to be based on input capacity instead of output capacity ## BEopt 2.0.3 __Interface Features__ - Added "Building America" project type with various interface customization - Allow autosizing and user-specified HVAC sizes for retrofit analysis - Allow user-specified HVAC sizes for new construction analysis - Ability to generate hourly output upfront for multiple design & small parametric cases - Additional customization for California Utility Cost Tests project type - Simplified option input screen for envelope measures in retrofit mode - Added ability to change to a user-defined reference from the output screen - Relaxed constraint on number of points that can be selected for generating hourly output - Added recent files list to File menu - Min Upgrade reference is now called Existing (w/ Min Replace) __Modeling Features__ - New Wall Sheathing category; OSB and/or rigid foam board can be added to any wall type - New properties for Basement categories for describing interior wood stud walls - Added algorithm to adjust window U-value and SHGC based on perimeter/area ratio - Updated to use Building America House Simulation Protocols (HSP) Addendum __Interface Fixes__ - Various library management fixes/improvements and speed increases - Fixed possible error while saving the project file - Fixed possible error when changing the reference from the output screen for a retrofit case - Updated version of wxDView; fixes display of EPW weather data and possible memory/GDI errors - Fixed possible detailed output report error if using California utility cost tests - Fixed missing matrix box when using large fonts on Windows 7 - Fix for displayed MELs/MGLs for all-electric vs gas/electric homes; the values were swapped - Updated equations for CA utility cost test metrics related to net-to-gross and incentives - Improved y-axis resolution for benefit cost ratio metrics for CA utility cost tests - Fixed loading derivative project files in multiple instances of BEopt - Fixed crashes in some forms when using > 96 DIP on Windows Vista+ - Clarified air leakage options as above-grade (e.g. above-grade ACH50) __Modeling Fixes__ - Workaround for DOE2 bug; off-normal window transmitted solar now matches E+ - Fix for E+ calculation of utility bills with net-metering - Fixed indoor & outdoor humidity ratios in E+ hourly output - Fixed reading of ceiling fan energy in DOE2 - Fixed clothes washer appliance energy use. - Fixed having attached walls while using the B10 Benchmark - Completed hpxml export; confirmed successful import into BA Field Data Repository - Completed BA House Simulation Protocols addendum modifications to BEopt __Costs__ - All envelope costs are now based on gross wall area rather than net wall area ## BEopt 2.0.1 Beta __Interface Features__ - Lots of performance, memory, and file size improvements across the board - Added all four California Utility Cost Test metrics; switch to run BEopt in "California" mode - Ability to choose X and Y-axis metrics to optimize over - Ability to specify PV and whole-house efficiency incentives - Added Heating/Cooling HVAC sizes to Options graph display - Added detailed output report -- includes both inputs and outputs - Allow user to choose columns that show up in Option input screen - Additional Option Editor input validation - Enhanced Option Manager searching to look for all word matches, not entire phrase match - Split option cost multiplier into material and labor cost multipliers - Added ability to specify tax-deductible loans for retrofit mode and state tax rate - Added inputs for down payment (or cash payment in retrofit mode) - Improvements to display of envelope categories in retrofit mode - Ability to re-order case and design tabs via drag-n-drop - Added Help file; includes documentation on the BEopt Modeling Framework, which can be used to run batch simulations outside the interface, for example __Modeling Features__ - Updates to work with E+ 7.2 - New Electric Baseboard category - Added HRV options in Mechanical Ventilation category (E+ only) - Added electric tankless water heater option - Implemented HSP lighting algorithm to adjust schedules per location's latitude/longitude - Expanded options in a number of categories, especially for retrofit analysis - Substantial completion of hpxml export __Interface Fixes__ - Fix for unable to load sqlite dll errors - Fix for possible access denied error - Fix for switching the reference for a retrofit case with output - Fix for several hundred OpenEI utility rates not being available - Fix for possible crash related to Microsoft splash screen - Fixes for scrolling the Options graph - Fix refreshing of the rendering under certain circumstances - Fix for the geometry input error msgbox popping up repeatedly - Fix for inability to run simulations after the output screen's reference is changed - Allow "porch roof" to be drawn over "Flat Roof / Deck" in the drawing automation - Various option editor and cost selector fixes - ... and many more! __Modeling Fixes__ - Improved HVAC sizing for buildings with ducts in an unconditioned attic - Fix E+ simulations when you have a dehumidifier and multi-speed cooling equipment - Restrict GSHP capacity to 1 ton minimum to prevent errors caused by zero flow rate - Fix for possible duct wall temperature out of bounds in E+ - Fixes for E+ handling of net metering with TOU rates - Fix to properly include adjustment charges ($/kWh) for TOU rates - Fix for possible DOE2 utility bill parsing error - DOE2/E+ fixes for buildings with shading surfaces - E+ bugfix when there are porch roof walls - Various fixes to cost/lifetime data ## BEopt 2.0.0 Beta __Interface Features__ - Redesigned and streamlined interface to better accommodate retrofit analysis - Available options and costs appropriately tailored for existing building - Simplified process for evaluating measures at "wear out" - Minimum Upgrade reference building - Integration with National Residential Efficiency Measures Database - HPXML export - Improved library & project file management - OpenEI utility tariffs for thousands of utilities around the country - Can handle time-of-use and tiered rates - Simplified and more flexible BA Benchmark reference - Ability to switch simulation engines within the same interface - Simulation speed (multi-threading) - Ability to download and visualize weather files - Batch simulation framework - DOE2 simulation now includes PV & HW models (no longer uses TRNSYS: faster) ## BEopt 1.4.0 __Modeling Features__ - [BEoptE+] Updated to work with EnergyPlus v7.2 - Includes a correction to the model coefficients for outside surface convection heat transfer (identified and [reported by NREL](http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy12osti/55787.pdf)) ## BEopt 1.3.0 __Modeling Features__ - New Options: - Storm windows (Window Type) - Allow AFUE to be specified for electric furnaces - [BEoptE+] Updated to work with EnergyPlus v7.1 - [BEopt] Add water heater skin losses (when water heater is in the living space) __Modeling Fixes__ - Fix 95% AFUE oil furnace option (simulation variable was incorrectly set at 94%) - Fix to Cold Water only clothes washer options - Fix to DHW recirculation system equations (applies to Timer and Demand options with R5 pipe insulation) - Provide user-friendly error message if window area > wall area for a given surface - [BEoptE+] Fix simulations with an auto-sized dehumidifier capacity <= 0 pints/day - [BEoptE+] Fix simulations using both heat pump water heaters and solar hot water - [BEoptE+] Fix possibility of temperature out of bounds error associated with ducts - [BEopt] Small fix to sensible fraction for space gains __Interface Fixes__ - Fix possibility of PV Start selecting the wrong optimization point ## BEopt 1.2.0 __Modeling Features__ - New Categories: - Ground Source HP - [BEoptE+] Humidity Set Point - [BEoptE+] Dehumidifier - New Options: - Cathedral batts (e.g. R30C) (Finished Roof) - Whole slab insulation (Slab) - ACs/HPs with SEER < 10 (Air Conditioner, Heat Pump) - Variable-speed units (Air Conditioner, Heat Pump) - Window types updated based on Efficient Windows Collaborative (Window Type) - Adhesive solar control films added to single-pane window types (Window Type) - [BEoptE+] Heat pump water heaters (Water Heater) - New simulation variables: - Better seasonal control for heating season, cooling season and swing seasons (Natural Ventilation) - Roof insulation & framing thicknesses, replaces combined thickness (Unfinished Attic) - Roof cavity depth; insulation fills cavity? (Finished Roof) - Material description/color (Roofing Material) - Simplified inputs for creating user options (Air Conditioner, Heat Pump) - Duct surface areas, location fraction, # returns (Ducts) - Outdoor air temperature reset for condensing boilers (Hydronic Heating) - Storage tank size (Water Heater) - Actual and rated fan efficiencies (Air Conditioner, Heat Pump) - SEER and HSPF derate factors based on cooling capacity (Air Conditioner, Heat Pump) - Equipment is sized using procedures consistent with ACCA Manuals J and S - Insulation installation quality derating based on RESNET - Perimeter attic insulation derating based on house geometry - Degradation factors for existing installed equipment (based on age and maintenance factor) - [BEoptE+] Updated to work with EnergyPlus v7 __Interface Features__ - Allow specifying attached walls for simple geometries - Roof structure specification on geometry screen - Example options now flagged with a * __Modeling Fixes__ - Improved energy savings for representative AC/HP SEER units - Updated duct film resistance per ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals - Removed discrete limitation on SDHW collector area size - Removed seasonal multipliers for large appliances and plug loads; was double-counting the effect - Removed unused DryerCapacity simulation variable for clothes dryers - Batt compression derating for wall/roof cavities (e.g. R19 in 2x6 cavities) - Fixed refrigerator energy use in Benchmark building - Fix missing AC/HP crankcase heating energy use in hourly output - Removed pilot lights and part load inputs for furnaces. These are accounted for in the AFUE. - Fix U/SHGC values for left- and right-facing windows when using facade-specific properties - Added minimal amount (0.10 ACH) of unfinished basement infiltration (humidity important for HPWH modeling) - PV system inverter is now more efficient - [BEopt] Window heat transfer workaround - [BEopt] Fix hydronic baseboard heating in finished basements - [BEoptE+] Fix for modeling two-speed air conditioners (workaround for E+ limitation) - [BEoptE+] Corrected natural ventilation limits - [BEoptE+] 10 minute minimum system time step __Cost Fixes__ - Updated state & US average utility rates based on latest EIA data - Fixed cost multipliers for exposed floor, unfinished basement ceiling, and crawlspace ceiling - Updated PV costs to reflect current prices - Modified Residual value calculations to include options with lifetime > analysis period - Cost for 2 heat pumps if needed - Window costs updated based on ASHRAE/NAHB-RC study (2009) ## BEopt 1.1.0 __Modeling Features__ - New Categories: - Crawlspace (replaces Crawlspace 2' and Crawlspace 4') - Overhangs - New Options: - Benchmark (Lighting) - Low-E V. High SHGC, Back Windows (Window Type) - New simulation variables: - Total, instead of misc, framing factors (Walls) - Power instead of unit power & efficiency (Ceiling Fans) - Insulation R-value instead of R-value per inch (Unfinished Attic) - Ceiling joist thickness, framing factor (Unfinished Attic) - Cavity insulation fills cavity? (Wood Stud and Interzonal Walls) - Cooling EER instead of EIR (Air Conditioner and Heat Pump) - Condenser type for evaporatively cooled condensers (Air Conditioner and Heat Pump) - Rigid insulation R-value and thickness (Interzonal Walls) - Cavity, instead of assembly, R-value; framing factor (Interzonal Floors) - Allow different window types for each facade of the house - Crawlspace height can now be anywhere between 1.5ft and 5ft - Film coefficients automatically added when insulation doesn't fill wood stud wall cavity - [BEoptE+] Skip running simulation for sizing periods, increases speed __Interface Features__ - Undo/redo capabilities for drawing area - Added Total Annualized Cost, Life-Cycle Cost, and Net Present Value to Output Report - Added Internal Rate of Return and Modified Internal Rate of Return to Output Report - Clarified cost multiplier for wall categories as net area, not gross area - Provide examples in Interzonal Wall category notes - Sped up drawing/rendering component for buildings with large floor area - Changed terminology from "salvage" value to "residual" value, per NIST Handbook 135 __Modeling Fixes__ - Fix double stud wall model, was missing a stud&cavity layer - Fix plugin CFL fraction for "20% Fluorescent, Hardwired & Plugin" lighting option - Reduce unvented attic SLA to zero to avoid extra infiltration relative to a cathedral ceiling - Fix calculations for design and estimated space temperatures of unfinished basements and crawlspaces - Revised Smart-replacement Algorithm Factor used for BA Benchmark lighting calculations - Added seasonal multipliers for large appliances and plug loads per 2010 BA HSP - Updated combined hot water hourly profile per 2010 BA HSP - [BEopt] Hydronic heating loop is sized to same capacity as boiler - [BEopt] Updated design temperature calculations for buffer space temperature approximations - [BEopt] Fix error when buffer space heating design temp falls below 0 - [BEoptE+] Workaround for E+ bug in Output:Table:Monthly where hydronic heating pump energy is zero - [BEoptE+] Fix missing HVAC Fan/Pump energy when there is a furnace but no air conditioner - [BEoptE+] Use Log Mean Temperature Difference to calculate duct conduction losses - [BEoptE+] Fixes to 2 speed unit COPs - [BEoptE+] Fix incorrect unit conversion for specific heat - [BEoptE+] Fix missing auxiliary energy for furnaces with pilot lights __Interface Fixes__ - Small fixes to HVAC sizes displayed on output graph; doesn't affect energy use - Fix running simulations when cases have "$" in their name - If no cooling equipment and Benchmark is reference, the user should select a SEER 13 (not 10) AC - Fix possible errors when options of an include combination are also selected in their categories - [BEopt] Hydronic heating pump for retrofits now correctly shows up in HVAC Fan/Pumps, not Cooling - [BEoptE+] When using Benchmark reference building, prevent warning about humidity setpoint - [BEoptE+] Allow exporting to OpenStudio SketchUp plugin v0.3.0 __Cost Fixes__ - Lighting is now costed as $/sqft, which fixes bugs related to calculation of number of bulbs - For retrofit analysis, lighting costs must be selected as a function of the pre-retrofit condition - Changed air conditioner cost multiplier to 1 ## BEopt 1.0.1 __Modeling Fixes__ - Fix possible attic-related simulation errors - Fix sens/lat/rad fractions for certain hot water distribution configurations - Fix simulation error when adding heating/cooling HVAC equipment as part of retrofit - [BEopt] Prevent heating design temperatures for spaces from being negative - [BEoptE+] Packaging error prevented buildings with PV from running successfully - [BEoptE+] Remove dehumidification (which is under development) from always being included in model __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed typo in natural gas carbon factor (should be 14.47, not 14.74) - Possibility of migrated options not being highlighted in red as needing lifetime selection - [BEoptE+] Fix running with 64bit version of EnergyPlus ## BEopt 1.0.0 __Modeling Features__ - Updated to B10 Benchmark specification - New Categories: - Unfinished Attic (replaces Vented Attic and Unvented Attic) - Crawlspace (replaces Vented Crawlspace and Unvented Crawlspace) - New Options: - Uninsulated, R-7, R-13 loose-fill (Interzonal Walls) - R11, R19 (Unfinished Attic) - Exterior insulation options (Slab) - R38 ceiling insulation (Crawlspace) - 8ft R5 rigid wall insulation (Finished Basement) - 8ft R5 rigid wall, R38 ceiling insulation (Unfinished Basement) - Very Leaky and Leaky (Infiltration) - Old, Top-Mount, Bottom-Mount, and Side-By-Side Freezers (Refrigerator) - Induction cooktop (Cooking Range) - Hardwired only, Hardwired & Plugin options (Lighting) - Fuel oil and propane options (Furnace, Hydronic Heating, and Water Heater) - More combinations of leakage and insulation (Ducts) - Condensing gas tankless (Water Heater) - R-5 pipe insulation (HW Distribution) - New simulation variables: - Presence of OSB sheathing (Wood Stud Walls) - Ventilation rate (Crawlspace) - Window area as percent of wall area (Window Areas) - Building shelter coefficient, Basement ACH (Infiltration) - Include ASHRAE 62.2 infiltration credit for retrofit (Mechanical Ventilation) - Energy Factors (Cooking Range) - Modified Energy Factor (Clothes Washer) - Exhaust cfm (Clothes Dryer) - Wrap Insulation R-value, Energy Factor (Water Heater) - [BEopt] Updated design temperatures for buffer spaces based on ASHRAE Standard 152 - [BEoptE+] Updated to EnergyPlus v6.0.0 - [BEoptE+] Added a duct model that accommodates leakage and conduction losses __Interface Features__ - Retrofit analysis - Life-cycle based economic metric - Avg energy use (energy flows over time) metric - Ability to specify equipment remaining life - Allow evaluating options at wear-out - Existing Building reference - Loan payments or cash payments - Ability to specify HVAC existing capacity - Allow multiple fuel types and corresponding utility rates - Display adjusted energy savings (due to Benchmark house size multiplier) in Cost/Energy graph - Allow fuel escalation for utility rates - Added Terrain (Suburban, City, etc.) dropdown to Site input screen - Merged Heat Fan/Pump and Cool Fan/Pump end uses into HVAC Fan/Pump for End Use graph - Wall R-assembly display values now include standard interior and exterior finishes - Add Select All checkbox to run dialog (when there are multiple cases) __Cost Features__ - Sourcing many costs/lifetimes from National Residential Efficiency Measures Database v2.0.0 - Duct costs now $/duct surface area rather than $/finished floor area - '999' lifetime flag denotes that options last for the life of the building __Modeling Fixes__ - Fix R-value for vinyl siding options - Assume there is always a layer of OSB sheathing on double stud walls - [BEopt] Switched to DOE2's DEFAULT sizing method to fix a bug with leaky ducts in a foundation space - [BEopt] Small fix to simplified window model - [BEoptE+] Use 2-speed DX cooling as appropriate - [BEoptE+] Switch to 1 hour system timesteps (better interaction with EMS and faster) - [BEoptE+] Improved fan energy for 2-speed heat pumps - [BEoptE+] Fix missing bathroom exhaust fan energy __Interface Fixes__ - Require at least a SEER 10 air conditioner in the prototype building when running the BA Benchmark. - Improved Include Combinations logic for optimizations - Fix use of inflation rate in annualized replacement costs, life-cycle costs - Fix possibility of running user-defined reference building unnecessarily in Design Mode - Report supplemental heating capacity for heat pumps rather than coil capacity - Mortgage interest rate is now compounded monthly rather than being taken as an APR - Fix harmless "subscript out of range" error for hourly output - Fix possibility of DView "sharing violation" when getting hourly output for multiple points ## BEopt 0.9.7 __Modeling Features__ - [BEoptE+] Initial Release __Interface Features__ - Add "Clear All Cases" to File menu - Add "Select All" checkbox to combined graph dialog when <=12 designs/cases available __Modeling Fixes__ - For conditioned, unfinished basements, properly account for OA makeup of duct leakage imbalance __Interface Fixes__ - Display Leakage Fraction for Duct options as total leakage (supply + return), not just supply-side - Interzonal Wall option named R-19 Batts, 2x6, 16"o.c. instead of 24"o.c. (simulations were correct) - Prevent crash if creating more than 10 Combined Graphs - Prevent opening output of older project files in newer versions of BEopt - Fix roof rendering bugs for complex building shapes ## BEopt 0.9.6 __Modeling Fixes__ - Fix drywall and roofing material layers in finished roof constructions __Interface Fixes__ - Correctly register roof DLL for some users ## BEopt 0.9.5 __Modeling Features__ - Updated to 2010 BA Benchmark - Added 2009 (~IECC) reference - New Categories: - Misc Hot Water Loads - Vented Attic (replaces Ceiling Insulation) - Unvented Attic (replaces Ceiling and Roof Insulation) - Finished Roof (replaces Roof Insulation) - Exposed Floor (replaces Exposed Slab) - Floor Mass - Ext Wall Mass (replaces Wall Mass) - Partition Wall Mass (replaces Wall Mass) - Ceiling Fans - Lighting (replaces Hardwired Lighting and Plugin Lighting) - Hot Water Distribution - New Options: - Ceiling insulation options in Unvented Crawlspace - Vinyl and fiber-cement siding options in Exterior Finish - Batt insulation options in Vented and Unvented Attic - Supply options in Mechanical Ventilation - None options in Refrigerator, Cooking Range, Dishwasher, and Clothes Washer - New simulation variables: - Living space constant ACH (Infiltration category) - Part Load performance curves (Furnace category) - Carpet and pad R-value (Exposed Floor category) - Slab mass properties and thickness (Slab category) - Ceiling framing factor (Unfinished Basement and Crawlspace categories) - Generalized and simplified basement/crawlspace models to better accommodate user options - Simple U-value & SHGC sim variables for windows (model includes off-normal incidence modifiers) - Size HVAC equipment off the weather file, eliminating need for .stat files - Add carpeting to partition floors (based on Exposed Floor category option selection) __Interface Features__ - Warnings for occupancy deviations from BA Benchmark (previously errors that prevented simulations) - Drawing - Drawing automation (which helps prevent drawing errors) - Automatically pan drawing when mouse hits edge - Allow zooming out - Allow wall heights less than 8 ft for upper stories - Add Garage Roof space - Split Unfinished Attic space into Vented Attic and Unvented Attic - Rendering - Quick access to front/back/left/right elevation views - Enhanced gable algorithm to allow stacked gables; gable-ize certain L- and T-shaped roofs - When drawn next to roof, decks are now surrounded by roof-level walls (i.e. cut-out) - Output Graphs - Allow exporting point(s) from the Cost/Energy graph to a new case - Add Mortgage/Utilities graph type for End Use graph - Reports - Add optimal point Economics section to Detailed Output Report - Add monthly Simulation Results section to Detailed Output Report - Allow generating hourly data with initial simulations for cases with a small number of simulations - Separate out Mechanical Ventilation in End Use graph - Display natural ACH for infiltration options __Modeling Fixes__ - Fixed exposed foundation area for Winkelmann model when building has multiple foundations - Improved estimates of buffer zone temperatures for sizing calculations and load estimates - Surface film coefficients depend on orientation with weighting based on HDD/CDD - Revised radiant barrier model from a constant thermal resistance to variable film coefficients - Corrected calculation of internal gains in DOE2 - Prevent simulation errors when using PV/SHW options of type RoofPitch on a flat roof - Removed erroneous Field Use Factor (FU) from clothes dryer calculation __Interface Fixes__ - Prevent eaves inside the building (cost issue only) - Fix exporting of option data for BAB/IECC reference buildings - Fix possibility of PV missing from End Use chart on combined graph - Converted reports to true CSV (Excel) files - Provide a more descriptive variable name for framing in wall categories - Prevent user from choosing stop at PV Start/End for optimizations without PV options - Prevent possible crash in floor island detection algorithm ## BEopt 0.9.4 __Interface Features__ - Add optimal point Options List section to Detailed Output Report - Use user-defined reference options in optimization starting point where possible __Modeling Fixes__ - Add surface film resistance to ducts - Fix radiant barrier only being modeled when ceiling insulation exists __Interface Fixes__ - Accommodate new 2009 ASHRAE Design Day format in EnergyPlus 4.0 EPW .stat files - Fix possibility of identical hourly output results for multiple selected points - Fix costing of unfinished basement ceiling insulation options - Fix costing of interzonal floor insulation options - Fix ACH50 display variable for infiltration - Use proper UA values for ducts in conditioned, unfinished basements - Fix exported Options Graph data for BAB/IECC references ## BEopt 0.9.3 __Modeling Fixes__ - Properly adjust infiltration in unvented attics - Fix hardcoded roof framing factor from overriding user inputs (e.g. SIP roof options) - Fix cavity depth for some wood stud options - Decreased effective R-value for radiant barrier - Corrections to cost calculations for ceilings, roofs and exterior wall mass of indirectly conditioned spaces __Interface Fixes__ - Fix hourly output for Mechanical Ventilation energy consumption - Fix display of AC/HP properties for ~IECC reference (simulations were correct) - Prevent possible error due to exponential notation values returned from Min(), Max() - Fix possible missing exterior walls when cathedral space next to living space - Prevent possible "could not get point in roof surface" errors with low pitched roofs - Fix option editor not updating comment box when tabbing/entering - Fix error message when analysis period < mortgage period - Fix exporting graph data when case name has invalid windows file path characters ## BEopt 0.9.2 __Interface Features__ - Allow panning the drawing area via middle-click and drag - Center drawing when opening project files - Library manager copy/paste improvements (e.g. copy one cell, paste to multiple cells) - Add menu option to show first costs in Options graph instead of present value __Modeling Features__ - Conditioned unfinished basements (basements with registers, but no electric loads or drywall) __Modeling Fixes__ - Fix window conduction for BAB/IECC resulting from absorbed solar through the frame - Fix for calculating internal mass in partition walls __Interface Fixes__ - Fix saving of project files on network drives - Save user library with project files - Prevent harmless option validation warnings in library manager for some categories - Prevent possible identical vertices when wall split by roof - Prevent possible "could not get point in roof surface" errors - Fix floor surfaces when drawing has cathedral/open-to-below island spaces - Fix attic walls' height being constrained by the wall height input. - Fix matrix when selecting options in mutually exclusive categories in parametric mode - Prevent crash for (unlikely) self-intersecting polygons - Fix possible corruption if importing cases from a project file with >= 10 cases - Fix exporting geometry to eQuest 3-63 ## BEopt 0.9.1 __Modeling Fixes__ - Fix zero water heating energy use in BAB/IECC reference when water heater is electric __Interface Fixes__ - Fix display variables in MEL category to include both fixed and variable portions - Fix display variable in Water Heater category for tank volume size - Prevent Interzonal Floor category from appearing when porch roof/protruded deck exists - Prevent warning about misc. gas loads for all electric reference buildings - Fix hourly output for certain reference points if reference point is directly selected - Fix possibility of clockwise roof/floor surface vertices - Fix possible error about not getting horiz/vert line ## BEopt 0.9.0 __Modeling Features__ - Updated to 2009 Building America Benchmark specification - 2006 IECC-based reference, supplemented with BA Benchmark - Multiple foundations - Open to Below, Cathedral, and Finished Attic spaces - Roof type/pitch and wall heights by building level - Deck and porch roofs for shading - Buildings larger than 2 stories - Seasonal natural ventilation operation - Implemented new model for infiltration based on AIM2 (ASHRAE Enhanced) method - Implemented new model for interactions between infiltration and exhaust ventilation - Ability to set water heater location and supply temperature - New Groups - Operation (Moved from Building group) - Walls (Moved from Envelope group) - Ceilings/Roofs (Moved from Envelope group) - Foundation/Floors (Moved from Foundation and Envelope groups) - Airflow (Moved from Envelope and Equipment groups) - Space Conditioning (supersedes Equipment group) - Water Heating (Moved from Equipment and Renewables groups) - Power Generation (Moved from Renewables group) - New categories - Wood Stud Walls (replaces wall insulation category) - CMU Walls - Double Stud Walls (replaces wall insulation category) - SIP Walls (replaces wall insulation category) - ICF Walls - Other Walls - Exterior Finish - Interzonal Walls - Roof Insulation - Interzonal Floors (supersedes Garage Ceiling category) - Interior Shading - Hydronic Heating - Finished Basement (replaces basement category) - Unfinished Basement (replaces basement category) - Vented Crawl 2' (replaces crawlspace category) - Vented Crawl 4' (replaces crawlspace category) - Unvented Crawl 2' (replaces crawlspace category) - Unvented Crawl 4' (replaces crawlspace category) - Mechanical Ventilation (combined with Ventilation Rate) - New Options - Electric Furnace - Seasonal Natural Ventilation (Replaces 'Smart' option) - More crawlspace options from Winkelmann __Interface Features__ - Rapid drawing of floor plan levels (with ability to see outline of levels above/below) - Built-in 3D rendering - Category visibility based on geometry drawn - Category options have variables displayed dynamically, updated based on geometry drawn - Allow running medium-size parametrics (up to 37,500 points) - Error checking for user-defined options in Library Manager - Ability to aggregate End Use graph by end uses or fuel types - Checkbox for applying Building America state multipliers to Misc. Electric/Gas Loads - Generate TDV results in end use graph when CA Climate Zone weather file used - Allow choosing which options/costs are imported into library manager - New variables in DView hourly output: Indoor Humidity, Heating Pump, Ventilation (rated) - Show option descriptions when Reference point is selected on output screen - Allow double-clicking on *.bpj project files to open file in BEopt - Improved Detailed Output Report - Find/Find Next in Library Manager - Auto-launch CSV application for output report and exported data __Costs & Economics__ - Cost for 2 air conditioners in hot climates if needed - Update default unit costs/lifetimes to RS Means 2009 and DEER 2008 - Update state/national utility rates to latest EIA data __Modeling Fixes__ - Workaround for large HVAC capacities in DOE2 when using inside or no ducts - Workaround for possibility of no heating/cooling results with DOE2 version 46 - Fix for modeling natural ventilation when there is no cooling equipment specified - Ducts category fix for no system imbalance - Correct Sink/Shower/Bath hot water use equations - Fix a bug where insulation in unvented crawlspaces was not properly specified - Fix a bug where DOE-2 could not handle foundation walls with exterior insulation - Fix a bug where small tight buildings had negative infiltration coefficients - Include MELs/Lighting internal loads in finished basements (elec. usage was correct) - Fix TRNSYS simulations using initial conditions for the first hour of the year - Recompile of TRNSYS.dll for more consistent Type numbers - Neighbor distance is now wall-to-wall, not eave-to-eave - Changed inputs for Dishwasher and Clothes Washer/Dryer to reflect EnergyGuide labels __Interface Fixes__ - Allow running BEopt as non-administrator - Fixes for TMY and TMY3-based EPWs - Better logic for optimizing across various heating/cooling equipment - Fix displayed costs in right-hand graph when reference building has PV - Fix bugs related to Include Combinations - Fix reverting foundation option for user-defined reference - Fix display of incremental costs when using efficiency cost multiplier other than 1 ## BEopt 0.8.7 __Modeling Features__ - Conditioned/Finished Basements - New Categories: - Natural Ventilation - Exposed Floor (replaces Exposed Slab and applies to all foundation types) - New options - Spot Ventilation only - Multiple New Basement Options - wood frame and ceiling insulation - 100% Fluorescent Hard-wired lighting - 100% CFL Plug-in lighting - Ability to set duct location for Duct options - Simplified inputs for Window Type options (including spacer type) __Interface Features__ - Switch to chm help file __Modeling Fixes__ - Allow outside air makeup to change depending on duct leakage distribution (previously hard coded to be the same as the BA benchmark) - Fixed BA benchmark duct location logic for buildings with no attic - Hardwired lighting options now represent percentage of total lighting (not just incandescent) - Fixed error in lighting energy calculations (correctly accommodates for user options) - Improved BA Benchmark simulations of Basements. The location of insulation (walls or ceiling) in benchmark basements follows that of the prototype - Small fixes to better model foundation heat flow - Fixed window area calculation for Benchmark (and show actual window areas under "BAB Option Names" menu) - Fixed exterior garage wall R-value calculation - Corrected Crawlspace costs to accommodate for ceiling and wall insulation - Updated performance coefficients for 2-speed heat pumps and air conditioners __Interface Fixes__ - Prevent selection of new options in older project files - Missing MELs and appliances energy in DView hourly output - Fixed user-defined reference building for parametric/optimization modes - Prevent possible corruption of cost selection file - Sync reference radio buttons if a category's options list is scrollable - Removed User.xls - users can now work directly in Standard.xls ## BEopt 0.8.6 __Modeling Features__ - Updated to 2008 Building America Benchmark specification - New categories - Mechanical ventilation (supersedes ERV category) - Ventilation Rate - Roofing Material - Radiant Barrier - Wall Mass - Garage Ceiling - Misc Gas Loads - Exposed Slab - New options - SIP walls - No ducts - Cellulose ceiling insulation __Interface Features__ - Show Building America Benchmark option descriptions from Tools menu - Documentation of simulation variables in library manager - Enforce selection of a building foundation type - Allow generating hourly output for Building America Benchmark - Combine DOE2 and TRNSYS simulation results for Tools > Output Report __Modeling Fixes__ - Fix simulation errors when there is a garage completely inset (0% protrusion) - Fix simulation errors for a one story building with a flat roof - Use different Title 24 furnace HIR equation when AFUE < 83.5% - Always apply spot ventilation as unbalanced, even in BA Benchmark - Improved duct options with regard to return ducts and outside air leakage __Interface Fixes__ - Fix building rendering path error for newer versions of SketchUp - Fix importing of cases - Better validation of simulation variable inputs for user options - Remove harmless errors when saving project files without access to root drive - Remove maximum number of bathrooms limitation - Various interface fixes ## BEopt 0.8.5 __Modeling Features__ - Conform to Building America Benchmark (BAB) 2007 rules - Allow running simulations with no heating and/or cooling equipment - Model MELs and most appliances to have energy use as function of number of occupants - Allow looping in define statements (BEopt macro language) __Interface Features__ - New Library Manager - selecting costs - editing options/costs - importing/exporting options and cost data sets - New End Use graph views: CO2 Emissions and Loads Not Met - Allow adding/deleting/clearing Design Mode designs even if case has output - Show net uses (total - PV) in End Use graph - Split up large appliances from miscellaneous end uses in End Use graph - Updated state/national utility rate averages to EIA 2006 - Allow PV in the reference building - Save reference buildings' simulation results; ref bldg selection from output screen - Pre-optimization of PV/SDHW to potentially reduce number of required simulations - Allow running multiple optimizations from different BEopt instances simultaneously (useful for multi-core processors) - Include source end uses in DView's hourly output - Add fixed charges to end use graph in energy costs view - Add "min cost" and "pv start" to combined graph target energy savings dropdown box - If an optimization only has "ZNE" selected for PV Size, automatically include "0 kW" - Store lib/bmi/epw files in project files for better future BEopt compatibility - Improved exporting to SketchUp (requires SketchUp 6) and eQUEST - Upgraded to latest version of Graphics Server __Modeling Fixes__ - Update infiltration to better model impact of number of floors - Fixed hot water loads to vary seasonally - Altered ventilation schedules to minimize building overheating - Update water heater U-values based on their energy factors - Added interior walls to building simulation - Prevent TRNSYS errors in extreme northern climates (e.g. Barrow, Alaska) __Interface Fixes__ - Allow linked DView for point with PV and point without PV - Fix possible cost calculation error for combined graphs design/parametric cases - Show auxiliary heating end use in hourly output for buildings with heat pump - Ensure BAB end uses are displayed if all other optimization points have PV - Increased sequential search robustness for handling ZNE PV, stop at PV, etc - Force heating/cooling capacity categories to same lifetimes as equipment (not 15yrs) - Account for daylight savings time in DView output - Fix for TMY-based locations that don't have a CMCWB 1% in their stat file ## BEopt 0.8.1 __Modeling Fixes__ - Corrected orientation rendering in Sketchup - Fix combination of multiple orientation and roof-mounted SDHW options __Interface Fixes__ - Fixed cases run with BAB reference where all points other than BAB were incorrect - Minor interface issues ## BEopt 0.8.0 __Modeling Features__ - Add absolute PV/SDHW azimuth options (South, West, etc) - Added wall height to building description input screen (default: 8 ft) __Interface Features__ - Improved interface - Ability to delete/modify options from BEopt - Specify case reference buildings from the input screen (with additional choices) - Additional exporting of graph data - Improved point selection in graph (click point or drag box; hold control to toggle) - Stop an optimization when PV or Min Cost is reached (to reduce runtime) in run dialog - Include heating/cooling setpoints in hourly output - On the fly compatibility checking for Building America benchmark - Ability to look at site electric and site gas end uses in kWh and Therms, respectively - Allow three-category parametrics - Display graph total in End Use graph when data labels are shown __Modeling Fixes__ - Correctly account for mechanical ventilation electricity use - Fixed ducts UA __Interface Fixes__ - Corrected HVAC sizing - Corrected misc electric use and PV in hourly output - Include column headings in TRNSYS output file - Fixed Tools > Input/Output Reports to work with design and parametric mode cases ## BEopt 0.7.1 __Interface Fixes__ - Fix various resolution and DPI issues ## BEopt 0.7.0 __Modeling Features__ - ERV, Misc Electric Loads, Heating/Cooling setpoints categories - New R-30 crawlspace option and tighter infiltration options - Allow nested MAX(), MIN(), AVG(), and SUM() statements in BEopt macro language __Interface Features__ - Parametric Mode (select options in 2 categories, up to 12 combinations of points) - Capability to add new options from the interface - Renamable design mode building designs - Zipped project files (drastically smaller *.bpt files) - Display point number labels when multiple points are selected on swoosh graph __Modeling Fixes__ - Improved natural ventilation __Interface Fixes__ - Replacement costs were not correctly calculated for Swoosh graph - Prevent getting stuck in an infinite loop with the Cost Combination Editor - Lots of code refactored for sequential search (causes project file incompatibility) - Show PV values instead of "0" when exporting End Use data - Include electric heating and glazing solar gains in hourly output ## BEopt 0.6.1 ## BEopt 0.6.0